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Posted by: sam
« on: January 15, 2023 »

Funny; if you heard about this site on NACA, then you know I like to talk about forums. That doesn't mean you have to, but you don't seem inclined to dive into any other topic. When you registered, you agreed "to contribute". Your contributions don't strike me as promising.

Life is too short for this.

And this video title card is too gross not to be under a spoiler.

Posted by: Queasyrider
« on: January 15, 2023 »

I have no idea who you think I am and doubt very much that it really matters. I have no agenda.

The only forums I am on are a couple of other cycling ones using different usernames because I keep them separate and would not want to chat about any of those forums.

Posted by: sam
« on: January 15, 2023 »

Definitely not business and the jury is still out on pleasure.


Found the site via reference to it on NACA.

Thanks for telling me.

Just like a bike, I thought I'd give it a try, and if I don't like the ride stick with my tried and trusted bikes.

Fair enough. I'd be interested to know who you are if indeed you're not who I thought you might be, but won't press you.

Would you like to chat about NACA?
Posted by: Queasyrider
« on: January 15, 2023 »

Definitely not business and the jury is still out on pleasure.

Found the site via reference to it on NACA.

Just like a bike, I thought I'd give it a try, and if I don't like the ride stick with my tried and trusted bikes.
Posted by: sam
« on: January 14, 2023 »

One more, then that's the preliminaries out of the way.

Sorry, more preliminaries: What brings you here, business or pleasure? And how did you find us?
Posted by: Queasyrider
« on: January 14, 2023 »

Not necessarily!

I wouldn't trust any of this shower, on or off the pitch, and they sing along to it at the drop of a hat.

Posted by: sam
« on: January 14, 2023 »

Ambiguity is fine.

True or false: you can't trust a person who doesn't automatically sing along to Sweet Caroline.

Posted by: Queasyrider
« on: January 14, 2023 »

And none of the above, or anyone else the last time I looked.

How many classifications for posts are there, and  is ambiguous necessarily bad?
Posted by: Maurice Switzer
« on: January 14, 2023 »

Welcome to NACF. Tick whichever boxes apply:

[ ] I am not @multitool, freshly vanquished across the road and in need of further stimulation.
[ ] I am not you.
[ ] I do not have an ulterior motive for registering.

There are enough of me around already, and my patience for teasing out people's motives is currently limited. Honesty is a good start.

If you're @GreengrocerDoom or one of the other 5.07 billion people on earth (and who knows how many extraterrestrials lurking) who has internet access, fingers crossed you're not too put off by my questioning, or the combative tone in my OP; I guess my copious use of videos and links hasn't already deterred you.

Your first post has been classified as ambiguous. I'm intrigued where you'll go next.

Posted by: Queasyrider
« on: January 13, 2023 »

Still trying to work out the best pose to adopt. Better to say nothing and be thought an idiot rather than open my mouth and prove it.
Posted by: Al Swearengen
« on: January 12, 2023 »

You're going to have to put in an appearance, mate. I'll give you till the end of the weekend.

Hope you understand why squatting is not encouraged.