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Posted by: Pale Rider
« on: July 25, 2023 »


It is with a heavy heart that I must inform the people of NACA that I won't be joining you (details in previous post). Like Snowden or Assange, the power of the state has dealt me a devastating blow: in this case by denying me entry into CycleChat, thence into what I have called the promised land.

As you may be aware, I have been with you for some time in spirit, writing detailed diary entries in Lurk. This was always a pale imitation of what could be.

I ask so little, but I ask you this now: publicise my plight. Agitate for change. Channel righteous indignation, nay rage, into a campaign to free me from the outside world, where I am a remainer condemned to look in.

I think Byrne & Eno put it best:

When the past becomes the now
When the lost becomes the found
When we fall in love with war
When the angel fucks the whore

When the road we travel on
Takes us back where we came from
A million kind of possibilities
For dancing on this lazy afternoon
Posted by: Pale Rider
« on: July 25, 2023 »

It's hard for thee to kick against the pricks

Well done. So you do keep records of IP addresses. Of course you would. I can picture the emergency red lighting in the mod's lair.

I could've taken evasive measures when registering, but realised that wasn't going to work; eventually I'd have slipped up. I don't want to live like that. So I went in essentially naked, fingers crossed.

CC takes its anti-spam seriously, and good for them. A new member's posts are held until TPTB can have a look. These were mine, struck thru to indicate they were in limbo:

(Third one down was a reply to this.)

If there's any real brainpower in the mod squad, a moot point, it's theoretically possible that rather than or in addition to an IP lock, I outed myself by being... myself: something I'd warned myself not to be, to no avail.

I honestly don't know what my great crime was to get booted in the first place, other than

Quote from: theclaud
Ludic Tendencies Unacceptable to the Management. They do not like anything too Meta...

Speaking of honesty, I did try that last time. Look where it got me.

It may have finally sunk in:

I was going to subtitle that appropriately, but alas there was a copyright claim.

My plan if I'd broken back into prison? I was going to do my best to avoid the man meta, for a start. My goal was the promised land without mods, especially the Gender thread, which is now so large it can be seen from space; I wouldn't have been the first attracted to it. Unkraut, the resident theologian, also beckoned.

From there, who knows. I didn't have a plan, other than to be honest, oddly enough.