
Where is the best place for this topic?

Right here - received 7 votes
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Somewhere else [suggestions welcome] - 3 votes
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This one's just for me (the OP) so I can see the results
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Author Topic: Calling all men


Calling all men
« Reply #70 on: February 28, 2024 »
Quote from: Afasoas
One stand out moment for me, was at a gig back in the late 90s for a commercially successful band. The lead singer was female. She has a track which is an intense heartfelt vocal accompanied by herself playing piano. During this part of the performance, a group of men started singing 'get your baps out'. They were persistent and they would not stop. It was a sizeable group and eventually they were ejected from the venue.

Not only was this creepy, it was incredibly disruptive. It absolutely isn't fair that any women should put up with it..
I guess the motive here was dehumanising and objectifying this talented performer because these men were misogynists?

I'd say that the motive was primarily showing off to each other, in a way that's more similar to shouting "Your wheel's going round!" at a passing cyclist than inappropriate behaviour to a random female stranger on the bus.  That misogyny and objectifying women is considered a reasonable part of male group bonding behaviour (along with, say, homophobia and general piss-taking) is the underlying problem.  Of course, if your peers all normalise this sort of thing, you're probably more likely to be a bus-creep too...

The cynic in me would say that there's probably also an element of it being 'uncool', or possibly even 'gay', to be seen to enjoy intense heartfelt vocal performances by female singers, so they felt the need to piss about so as not to be seen to do so.


Calling all men
« Reply #71 on: February 28, 2024 »
Quote from: Cudzoziemiec
Quote from: Hot Flatus
Surely if you want to know how prevalent creepiness is you'd have to ask women rather than yourself.

Which is why this thread starts off with a fucked-up idea. "Calling all men"? There are two (at least) things wrong with this:

1. Why are you calling men not women? This is the point Flatus makes. It's like "Calling all motorists. How common do you think bad driving around cyclists is?"

2. "Look at me! I know how to talk to women! And overtake cyclists! I'm such a good person!"

Quote from: ravenbait
This isn't something women can fix. It's entirely on men to fix this.

2. Not sure what the point is in kicking a man who's already kicked himself in the OP.

2b. You read my blog and/or VC thread. I'll take the win.
Prolly hates my love of spoilers, too. For the record, when I post about passing people when going up hills, I am, in part, taking the piss out of myself; it's a comment on how competitive cyclists can be, and the widespread obsession with performance.

Calling all men
« Reply #72 on: February 28, 2024 »
Conflating two things:
Diagnosing the issue.
Solving the issue.

I was talking about the former, and it wasn't in relation to your OP.

Calling all men
« Reply #73 on: February 28, 2024 »
What's a VC thread?


Calling all men
« Reply #74 on: February 28, 2024 »
Quote from: Cudzoziemiec
"Look at me! I know how to talk to women!..."

It's because I listen to them.
And it's only about me insofar as the thread benefited from opening with a hook.

I often use these parenthetically, and in this case, to limit the impact of OT discussion on what I think is an important topic. They're best deployed with care, because they must be clicked into, and there is no social obligation to do so.

Quote from: Ibid.
What's a VC thread?

VC = Velosolo Club, wherein I blog about our goings-on. Not being up to speed on my own minutes here, I had assumed I do my usual jokey thing about beating people up hills. As it happens, I tend to save that for VCHQ.

The Club has a ride planned this summer. Race you.

Calling all men
« Reply #75 on: February 28, 2024 »
I think this has gone far enough, and may have cost us a valued member.