Author Topic: Triggering

Porn cult
« Reply #130 on: August 20, 2023 »
That was the last post, but it's such a good title I'm carrying it over even though this post is guaranteed porn and religion free. (No guarantee it'll also be winjim free by the time I'm done with it.)

Twitter under Musk
Quote from: AuroraSaab
He's talking about removing the Block feature. That's a terrible idea, for obvious reasons.

I'm on the fence. Have only been blocked once that I'm aware of, which was a source of amusement more than anything.

Blocking grows bubbles, which to my mind is one of the biggest problems with social media. Owen Jones, for example, has blocked so many women that it's kind of a joke. Yet the opportunities for harassment are, as AS says, obvious, and muting may not sufficiently mitigate them.

There's a really good discussion to be had about this. I'm not getting my hopes up.

Quote from: dutchguylivingintheuk
I really don't care to much about Twitter, but what's happening with it now is what happens if you let an man-child basically buy it

As richest men in the world go, we've had worse.

Nurse murdered seven babies
Quote from: presta
It's just selection bias, what about all the babies that weren't killed and all the nurses that didn't murder.

More presta please.

Gender. For the mitheringth time.
Quote from: fozy tornip
The wokerati should raise their cancelling game, 'cos everywhere I look suet-pudding faced Linehan is mithering. Audibly!

Linehan is on the front lines defending free speech against people who see biology and material reality as hateful. Fozy uses his wordsmithing talents to defend the idiocracy.

Quote from: multitool+
Stupid binaries are the preserve of the dim

I'm going to keep linking to that until you click on it.

Quote from: fozy tornip
Quote from: AuroraSaab
You'd rather pretend people aren't losing their jobs or opportunities than engage with the idea that transactivism is a repressive ideology.

Yes, frankly. Now will you leave us to do that in peace?

01001100 01001111 01001100

Quote from: AuroraSaab
Quote from: fozy tornip
I'm throwing a birthday party for my bairn shortly. Must I invite Jim Davidson, or might I choose an alternative children's entertainer?

Was Cheryl Hole not available? I thought your kids loved the learn drag class last year? It's just like panto, you know. Too busy on Bake Off now I expect. If it has to be a racist comedian CycleChat favourite Janey Godley is probably still available. Or if you're prepared to settle for jokes about rape there's always Frankie Boyle. Maybe that nonce children's cartoonist your compatriot found could do a sketch-your-toddlers party for you. None of them have been cancelled so you should be fine.

Seriously fozy, use your powers for good. It's much more satisfying.

Quote from: icowden
Quote from: big dick in a small pond
[Linehan is] mentally ill

I don't disagree with you that he may be mentally ill.

Congratulations on making the web a slightly worse place than it was before you posted.

Engaging with multitool as if he has anything worthwhile to say indicates a need to have one's head examined.

Quote from: multitool+
He elides trans people with paedophiles, much as bigots used to do the same with gay people.

There's a chickenhawk and egg joke for the taking, but I'm somewhat chastened by my previous reply.

AuroraSaab: You've said Linehan has called trans people paedophiles - or you've insinuated as much. I don't think asking for actual quotes from him is too much.

winjim: @Glinner groomer

AuroraSaab: That link just shows this for me: No results for "from:@Glinner groomer"

So click on Latest. Then scratch your head in wonderment at the suspended accounts; in the pre-Musk days that honour was gratuitously bestowed upon people saying hateful things like men can't be women.

It should be clear to anyone with a scintilla of interest in children (personally I think of them as little as possible, the monsters) that safeguarding has been all but destroyed thanks to this movement.

Quote from: theclaud
Anyway, decent piece in The National about the Glinner Fringe debacle.

Strike 1: Written by a she/her, i.e., a self-confessed member of the c-word
Strike 2: who has retweeted India Willoughby's approval of it.
Strike 3: The piece itself. Icowden has temporarily redeemed himself by pointing out a glaring problem – the fact that Linehan targets convicted paedophiles and other men behaving very badly is being held against him for some reason – but there are many more, including
Strike 4: the now standard disingenous concern about his mental wellbeing
Strike 5: calling reasonable views unreasonable. (I guess it depends how worried and informed you are about what's been going on. It's easy to see who goes around LALALA with their fingers in their ears.) His needle does seem stuck on "groomer", and I personally don't like his style on Twitter, but go ahead and continue to make him the story, rather than those who really do need a spotlight on them.
Strike 6: Unironic request for critical thinking.

Quote from: HMS_Dave
For a "cancelled" bloke, he gets about a bit…

Ah, one of the greatest hits. People who have been told to shut up should just shut up about it already. Somebody might want to tell Dave about the chilling effect.

Quote from: winjim
I keep having to log in

Whilst logging in is not an option for me, I can empathise.

Damn. So close.

The noive
« Reply #131 on: August 25, 2023 »
Special guest poster
Quote from: Walt Kelly by way of Oliver Hazard Perry
We have met the enemy and he is us.

Nurse murdered seven babies
Quote from: spenn666
You and I have been convicted of as many murders as Fred West has been.

Having familiarised myself with the terms of CycleChat's registration agreement, I can confirm that it does not preclude murderers, convicted or otherwise, from becoming members. Unauthorised automated content scraping, on the other hand, is a no-no. Thank goodness I rely on manual labour.

Quote from: AuroraSaab
It's a 3 page row over the fact that someone said 'guilty of' or 'convicted of' (can't even recall which now) instead of 'responsible for' and the classic naca-ism of assuming the worst intention of every poster.

If it wasn't for NACA these people would be loose in society.

Quote from: mudsticks
Quote from: Andy to Andy
Seriously? You actually think that transgender "ideology" is as young as the United States?

What is it with people round here unable to use search engines.??

Yes yes yes we've all been "educated" (I'm borrowing those tongs) that trans practically started with Adam & Eve. But the recent turbocharging of the ideology is something else again.

Prime rib: When Adam slept and Eve sprung, who was then the Genderman?

from personal experience I don't think that the transwomen I know are 'repressed gays'. They wouldn't have had any bother coming out as gay in the circles they move in, nor been given a hard time for old fashioned cross dressing.

Old fashioned is so old fashioned.

There's definitely, genuinely, something else going on for them.
I can't quite pretend that I fully grasp it …

You're almost there. It's called playing pretend.

the transwomen I know do genuinely feel something other than just wanting to be 'non trad' male - or gay. They could do that anyhow, no bother, certainly a lot less 'bother' than being trans.

The botheration has been significantly reduced of late, and much sweetened with social currency.

So I choose to believe them, and respect how they wish to identify and live,

We can all google virtue signalling.

as I don't think they'd put themselves through all that hassle for no deep seated reason

I'm just going to pop this here.

Quote from: multitroll to AuroraSaab
What a twunt.
Quote from: Pale Rider the lesser
Without consulting google, I think it must relate to the female vagina, having its origins in either c*nt or tw*t. Or it may be a deliberate portmanteau of the two.

Qualifies as a minced oath. An upgrade from asterisks?

Quote from: Pale Rider the lesser embroiled with multitroll
There might even be more than one Aurora and Pale Rider.

What a muddle we'd all be in.


The one and only Pale Rider.

The noive.

Quote from: winjim
Just popping this here to watch later.

"What if we were curious, not angry, about gender?" asks the woman whose book inspired the video, seemingly incurious why people might be angry (to pick an outrage out of the hat).

As a witch at Mumsnet, where I posted hoping to get out of watching it myself, put it, "They seem to think one's reproductive organs are randomly distributed and have no meaning for the body as a whole."

While it's easy to blow off What if... as an insult to fluff (air quotes around the biological facts of life don't help), us gluttons for reality, annoyingly critical of the rebranding of sex stereotypes as liberating, aren't really the intended audience.

The talking heads undoubtedly mean well, but remain oblivious why it might be that they find themselves constantly having to convince strangers that their identities are real or should be of consuming interest.

You're so vein

There was less dye than expected, I'll give it that.

The long credits sequence made it easier to reach the finish line.


Still waiting for winjim to screen the video himself and report back. His post collected a like from Hitchington, in the front row.

No curiosity about the latest detransitioner clickbait horror story posted by Andy. They're more interested in Jordan Peterson's wardrobe.

C'mon, let the guy have some fun.

Quote from: theclaud
Quote from: AuroraSaab
I'm enjoying the gymnastics that have to be done to try to maintain a consistent position on self ID when faced with someone like Kayla.

You're mostly imagining these 'gymnastics',

as it's only in your head that you are facing a wall of identikit opponents all hell-bent on transing kids and destroying women's sport. I reckon most people are simply wondering whether, finding yourself sharing Daily Mail freakshow clickbait about Canadian trans women with insane pneumatic fake tits on a niche offshoot of a cycling forum, you ever pause to ask yourself 'How did I get here?'.

Quote from: winjim

Quote from: Bromptonaut
[Bromptonaut being particularly Bromptonaut]


Quote from: Julia9054
teachers of any gender do not share sleeping facilities or toilets with children


Quote from: Voltaire
I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it.

Start making sense
« Reply #132 on: June 05, 1975 »

Quote from: theclaud
'How did I get here?'

On the day the Talking Heads played their first gig, opening for the Ramones? Hitched a ride with a Time Lord to the database.

On this niche offshoot of a cycling forum? Took a wrong turn and I just kept going.

Quote from: bobzmyunkle
Quote from: CXRAndy
women only spaces... is common sense

"Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age eighteen"

Quote from: newfhouse+
There are people who just want to quietly get on with their lives, who are no threat to anyone, who live in increased fear and real danger as a result of this weaponised panic. It would help everybody? to dial it back a few notches. I confess I don’t know how to achieve that but I do believe a strident all-or-nothing approach won’t work.

There needs to be a law to stop people taking down videos, damnit.

Awww, so sad the full clip is gone where we see his response to Lowri's very sensible correction: open mouth, wide eyes, pause where his brain is clearly trying to work out how it is that a WOMAN spoke, with views clearly showing up his own. He thinks nah, didn't happen...did it? Oh God it did (then presenter interjects with a "look, a squirrel" to save his blushes). Golden.
Thinking of you.

Quote from: newfhouse
This is not my beautiful wife.

LOL (in a good way). Pity it went downhill from there.

Sorry, I had no choice but to meme you.

Quote from: Helen Joyce

There are a lot of people who can't move on from this. And that's the people who have transitioned their own children. So those people are going to be like the Japanese soldiers who were on Pacific islands and didn't know the war was over. They've got to fight forever. This is another reason why this is the worst, worst, worst social contagion that we'll ever have experienced.

A lot of people have done what is the worst thing you could do, which is to harm their children irrevocably, because of it. Those people will have to believe that they did the right thing for the rest of their lives, for their own sanity, and for their own self-respect. So they'll still be fighting, and each one of those people destroys entire organizations and entire friendship groups.

Like, I've lost count of the number of times that somebody has said to me of a specific organization that has been turned upside down on this, "Oh, the deputy director has a trans child." Or, oh, the journalist on that paper who does special investigations has a trans child. Or whatever. The entire organization gets paralyzed by that one person. And it may not even be widely known at that organization that they have a trans child. But it will come out, people will have sort of said quietly, and now you can' talk truth in front of that person, and you know you can't, because what you're saying is: "You as a parent have done a truly, like, a human rights abuse level of awful thing to your own child that can not be fixed."

There are specific individuals who are actively against women's rights here and it is not known why they are, but I happen to know through the back channels, that it is because they've transed their child.

So those people will do anything for the entire rest of their lives to destroy me and people like me because people like me are standing in reproach to them. I don't want to be, I'm not talking directly to them, and I don't spend my time bitching to them.

But the fact is that just simply by saying we will never accept natal males in women's spaces, well it is their son that we're talking about. And they've told their son that he can get himself sterilized and destroy his own basic sexual function and women will accept him as a woman. And if we don't, there's no way back for them and that child.

They've sold their child a bill of goods that they can't deliver on.

And I'm the one that has to be bullied to try to force me to deliver on it.

So those people are going to be the people who will keep this bloody movement going, I'm sorry to say, because they've everything to lose, and it is a fight to the death as far as they are concerned.

Food for thought, hmmm?

Quote from: CXRAndy
Quote from: newfhouse
Day of reckoning - just listen to yourself FFS.

If you had watched the YouTube piece, you'd have known the context.

Newfhouse et al.: LALALALA


Might as well park this here too, because

Quote from: Talking Heads
you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile
Quote from: popebishop
I think it's depressing to regard cars as 'dangerous'. To say that they can and do harm people is just pure bigotry. Everyone using a car is only doing so for perfectly normal reasons like getting about. 

To put any kind of 'safeguarding' in them just because they are physically automobiles is ridiculous. We should identify the ones that hurt people and put seatbelts in those ones only. Or we could risk-assess each street and put a speed limit only on the ones where it's been proven that people have been actually "hurt" - which we all know doesn't happen.

The last last word
« Reply #133 on: January 16, 2010 »
The Telegraph is running a story about a 108-year-old woman believed to be Britain’s oldest surviving WW1 veteran.

Quote from: Florence Green
I would work every hour God sent but I had dozens of friends on the base and we had a great deal of fun in our spare time.

After today's post I may go back and ask Florence for a dance. Just have to be careful not to Foxtrot over any butterflies.

erm..the things only women do?
Quote from: darkstar
Haha is this thread still going!? Wow.

Not "going" as such; my powers on CycleChat are limited to observation. This thread officially died [checks watch] yesterday.

Quote from: Moderators
Move all now...nothing to see here.

I note the mod's location is listed as The Cronk. Google tells me that's in the Isle of Man.

Anything that makes you laugh, think, and write, is not a disaster. (AFAIK there isn't any associated merch.)

Quote from: theclaud
Quote from: Rigid Raider
Nag, gossip, criticise, whinge.

It's a parallel universe. People are offended by a bit of harmless ribaldry from Fnaar, whilst blatant misogyny goes unremarked.

It was a marked thread by page 1.

The powers-that-be have always had a problem with serious discussion. They can't handle it. NACA was perhaps the forum's last best hope for it. (Using past tense here despite that NACA is in the future. If you've seen any time travel movies you know how complicated it can be even without taking pessimism into account.)

Quote from: Fnaar
According to Alice Cooper, (and to answer thread title) only women bleed. And she should know, having a girl's name and all!

Alice Cooper and Bob Dylan: separated at birth?

Quote from: DevilinaCardigan over at Mumsnet in the misty future
Amazing! A man (who knows he’s a man) with a traditionally female name, with long hair, who often wears makeup doesn’t think that a name, hair or makeup makes someone a woman.

Bet you were wondering when I'd get around to this.

Quote from: Kirstie, back at erm
I have a colleague who is transgender - from man to woman. I find her insights fascinating. She said that the biggest difference she has noticed was that, as a woman, she appears to be given fewer 'rights to speak' than when she was a man - she is talked over in meetings more often, she said she feels less listened to, that her opinions are not heard out and are not taken as seriously - dismissed out of hand. I also find this to be the case in professional contexts.

My question is thus whether the stereotypical attribution of women as nagging, whinging etc is more about their subordination: in other words about denying them empowerment, participation, and influence which is based on the visible aspects of their gender, rather than them actually nagging, whinging etc.

I do wonder how I would have approached Kirstie's post the first time I passed through 2010, which is about a decade before I became fully aware of trans matters; and indeed, before we entered the Twilight zone.

It's unlikely Kirstie's colleague was seen as an actual woman, invalidating the thought experiment.

Yet it wouldn't be difficult to find women who sympathise with him. This, my friends, is #bekind in action. Women are often 'kinder' to men than men.

I stand by my previous sentence

Quote from: gavintc
My limited understanding of the [Equal Opportunity] issues are that when you are in the more dominant group; white male, it can be difficult to place yourself in the mind of the other groups. What a white male will perceive as fair is often not. It is therefore difficult to 'walk a mile in other man's shoes' or as Burns wrote 'To see yourself as other see you'.

This just in from The More Things Change Dept.: in 2023 it's about getting others to see you as you see yourself.

Quote from: Fnaar
I learned summat useful yrs ago... only women can gestate, lactate and menstruate. Only men can impregnate. In all other attributes (physical and mental) there is a crossover (i.e. most men are physically stronger than most women, but some women are stronger than some men; most men are hairier than most women, but some women are hairier than some men... etc).
This theory falls down only when you consider scatter cushions.

If you can't spare any of your clicks for a funny headline on the Daily Mail, perhaps an archive link will be acceptable.

Quote from: ttcycle
my time is taken up with all the brow wiping from the victorianesque repression on these pages oh and I spend my days by the fridge getting Noodley his continuos stream of refreshments.

Much of mine, for better or for worse, is spent down rabbit holes.

That's for better, right?

Quote from: Noodley
Quote from: ttcycle
...tell me what to think please...!

Bunny rabbits and kittens, a flowers. Think of lovely things.
cont'd under cover of spoiler
And get me a can when your at the fridge, there's a love
Quote from: Aperitif, aka teef
Oh dear!

Aperitif was amusing (this isn't the best thread to showcase that), but also kind of a dick. Of course you can be both – in fact, it may happen more often than not. Anyway, I didn't want to have to look at animated gifs every time I stopped back to edit this post.

Quote from: BigonaBianchi
Well my thoughts when opening the thread were:

1) It would add balance to the thread about what only men do
2) It would be a bit of harmless fun on a dull grey day
3) The people on here are generally sensible enough to know that it is meant tongue in cheek

So please dont take it seriously & accept my apology
Quote from: theclaud
I only note for future reference that the funny and the serious are not opposites. Anything but.

I knew there was a reason I liked Claud
"That ain't no lady - that's theclaud."
from the start, and hang on to that through the worse – follow this shocking link. How she gets by without my approval remains a mystery. (It's safe to say nobody's angling for Pale Rider the lesser's approval either.)

I commend to you the work of Deborah Cameron.

Cheers. I've also put this on my reading list. More to the point of the thread, there's this.

CAD block indeed (disambiguation)

I'll admit to being amused that Cameron is a Rupert Murdoch Professor of Language and Communication.

Quote from: @wordspinster
Sorry, I don't use the subjunctive

Bonus rabbit hole
Quote from: theclaud
Nice avatar, by the way. Boletus edulis?

Outstanding episode from The Last of Us, where the villain is shrooms.

Where were we?

Quote from: ttcycle
there is nothing wrong with the word 'queer' in fact it's been adopted by the gay community - have you not heard of queer culture?

I commend you to the work of Deborah Cameron. /TMN

Quote from: rich p
This thread has gone rapidly downhill now that nobody is squabbling. I love watching others having a domestic.
Quote from: ComedyPilot
I feel asleep about page 24 and woke up with QWERTY-8%/mnbgh etched on my forehead.

Try explaining your forehead to the cop who's been called to a domestic. Somebody's going to end up in custody.

Type "keyboard to the face" and voilà

Quote from: Cubist+
We need to remember that occasionally it is perfectly acceptable to take offence. We shouldn't necessarily seek to understand why someone appears to go along with a subject one minute then rail against it the next. What we MUST do however, is accept that offence has been caused, offer a sincere apology [To the bat-bitten loose-bowelled - Ed.] and move on. Knowing that what you have said or posted has upset someone should surely be the moment to seek to undo some of the harm?
Quote from: Wheeledweenie+
It's a real shame as the silly minority ruin it for everyone. That's always the way I find. Sigh.

That's my cue to head back to present day, much as I'd like to stomp on some deceptively innocent butterflies back in 2010. Maybe another time.

Quote from: multitroll
Opens mouth.
The original meme needed tweaking.

Bromptonaut: Can I hold your book?

I'm like Santa.

The two stages of disbelief
1. He's having a laugh.
2. He's not having a laugh.
Stages 1 & 2 are interchangeable.

Can you imagine The Twunt Chronicles as an arc on erm? Abridged version: Man tells woman to stop fussing about him calling her a twunt. Another man sees fit to tell her what she should find offensive. Fortunately, a third man calls it.

Multitroll and his TRA associates operate on a level of malevolence next level from garden-variety misogyny. Here I'll commend you to my extensive documentation. Reality itself must seem cancellable to them.

Speaking of getting cancelled, should I head over to 2021 and try not to get on the wrong side of Scoosh? Then hop to 2022 and grovel before the equally loathsome Vorpal? Trade my brain in for a sea sponge like they've done at Yacf?


Quote from: Elminster of Shadowdale
Ye have enemies? Good, good — that means ye’ve stood up for something, sometime in thy life.
Quote from: Saul Alinsky
Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.
Quote from: E.B. White
One of the most time-consuming things is to have an enemy.

Let's end this on a high note.

Quote from: mudsticks
Quote from: AndyRM
Nuke it from orbit.

Like this.??

Yeah, like that.

« Reply #134 on: September 14, 2023 »
Quote from: mudsticks
I'm going along with the sensible commentary of "Cats are better than Dogs"

And rabbits are better than both. Your point?

Godwin help us all
Quote from: icowden
Quote from: Ian H

Great so now we have some context.
This was the Speaking for Women Rally in Miami. Internet references seem to be crediting KJK with organising it but I can't find anything to substantiate that. What is interesting is that she says

"Now it's your turn... yeah... thank you for your patience" as she hands him the PA mic and the web feed mic.
To me that implies that she has just spoken and is just handing over the equipment to the next person to speak - possibly even sanctioning him speaking and not interrupting her speech. The clip is quite selective and doesn't show us what went on before.

It doesn't seem to me like she is endorsing him or the Proud Boys in any way.

KJK lets women speak first, then men. That's what "Now it's your turn" was about. His getting mic'd wasn't anything more sinister than that.

I've taken the trouble to transcribe the video.

Nazi. Nazi nazi nazi nazi. Hitler. Nazi Hitler. Nazi nazi genocide nazi Hitler. [Unintelligible] Nazi nazi nazi nazi. [Repeats til the end of the clip]

Let's give that another listen.

Quote from: Chris Barcenas
Yeah I just want to say, welcome to Miami first of all. .. And welcome to the deep, deep… we're in the middle of the twilight zone, so… We're all here together to fight the same battle. I'm a local GOP committee man for this area. And it is about coming together. This is something that shouldn't be tolerated at any point in society, at any point in human history. This is an act [of] destroying innocent lives, destroying families. And they're just getting started. If they have it their way, it leads into pedophilia. It leads into kids resenting these decisions for the rest of their lives. Destroying innocent lives. It's something that's satanic, and, and, both sides need to come together to stop this. So I want to thank everyone for coming out here today. And this is what it takes. Show up at your school board. They're getting gender ideology, gender therapists to convince children. These kids are coerced into the ideas that it's going to make them feel a certain way. And they're encouraged to, to go under the knife. To… thinking that they're going to solve some internal issue that they don't know how to deal with. They're being misled, misquided. And [unintelligible] people coming out into the streets, people going to the school board, people getting involved with their parties locally, and stopping this. If it doesn't stop now, it's going to destroy tens of thousands of lives. And, and these people are still going to go home at night, sleep like a baby, and not worry about these atrocities that they have committed. So thank you everyone again, and God bless.

Personally I would've left out the bit about satanism, but will excuse the unholy exuberance considering that we are talking about some pretty unconscionable things. As for pedophilia

(the longer version is worth watching).

I wouldn't want Barcenas teaching constitutional law though.

Quote from: Ian H
Quote from: CXRAndy
She must be doing something right, by the way trans are triggered

Hitler must have done something right judging by the way the rest of the world was triggered.

This, boys and girls, is how smear campaigns work.

Quote from: theclaud
If our place were suitable for major music gigs (it isn't) then yes of course I'd host a gig. If [Róisín Murphy] wanted to hold a rally with KJK or similar as a speaker, then no I would not agree to it.

This too, by virtue of KJK's (undeserved) status as a hate figure. Why else pair Murphy with her in this bizarre hypothetical?

Quote from: theclaud
My point is that the simplest explanation is that Keen and her Proud Boy guests are part of the same larger movement or tendency. Every other explanation seems, to put it kindly, a bit of a stretch.

I suppose it's a natural extension of the belief that women's rights by virtue of their sex is a fiendish plot of the far right. Yes, I realise it's being used as a wedge issue. That doesn't mean we should shut up about it. It means the left should be opening their arms to those seeking sanctuary in sanity.

Oh, and "Proud Boy guests"? It was an open mic, remember. The simplest explanation is that Keen is a fan of free speech.

Quote from: theclaud
Bit of an Occam's Razor thing, surely?

Is that the one where all the truth gets shaved off?

Quote from: an actual Nazi
Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth

« Reply #135 on: September 15, 2023 »
Nazis again. Sorry!
Quote from: bobzmyunkle
Thread successfully diverted back to Nazis. Well done

Welcome to the spectators gallery overlooking CycleChat's free speech zone: Nazis Cunts And Politics. I'd make a drinking game out of this, but alas, like Hitler, I'm teetotal.

There's keen competition across the road at Yacf thanks to Steph, master of imaginative framing. Here's #2957, a recent work in the long running series It's open season on trans people.

Mumsnet are actually discussing something on their 'feminism' board other than trans people!*

It's the revelation that female surgeons are being groped by senior male surgeons while they're actually working in theatre.

In other news, Helen 'genocide' Joyce and Maya 'What period poverty?' Forstater were two of the huge crowd** that attended the People's History Museum in Manchester, where they held a 'debate'***. The museum had not wanted to host them****, but Hatestater apparently waved a threat of legal action of they didn't. As a result, the Museum was forced to close its doors to the public for the day, including to disabled people coming to see a relevant exhibition, as many workers refused to turn up.

The event was all about 'free speech', but Hatestater has complained that someone had exercised their own free speech and hung up an 'offensive' Progress Pride flag in the window. After the event, they were filmed walking down the street in front of peaceful pro-trans demonstrators, grinning and waving in obvious fear of their lives. Joyce later reported that as she had arrived in Manchester, she became terrified, because there were Pride flags everywhere and the "Orwellian" (her word) message "Everyone is welcome". Someone commented that if the reverse were true, if it were a trans rights meeting, the counter demonstrators would have largely been people like Proud Boys, Patriotic Alternative, etc.

Avon Braun recently claimed that she had deep pockets for legal action (i.e. a rich funder) and she complained about press comments that the outright self-described Nazis who turned up in Melbourne***** to support her were, er, Nazis who had turned up to support her.  As they themselves said. She also claimed that despite literally wishing that all transwomen died it was defamatory to call her anti-trans. Mosley Parker has now received the ruling from the NZ press authorities that she is indeed an anti-trans campaigner for whom Nazis turned up to support.

Final snippet: there is a new transphobic Twitter account, "Real LGB Woman". They describe themself as "Anti nonce, pro england (sic), working class tory lass. Genuine real female. Exposer of men"

It's Graham Linehan. Again. See the comment above re 40,000 etc.

*I lied. They've decided it's the fault of trans women after all.
**28. All white, elderly women. Or 40,000 Twitter accounts, of course
*** Debate defined as everyone nodding in agreement
**** When I look for somewhere to host a meeting, I too always choose somewhere that hates me and mine. Doesn't everybody?
***** Nazis ALWAYS turn up to support her.

If you prefer realism:

Stop by my Downfall exhibit for more Hitler than you can shake a dick at, and Scenes at the museum to see what happens when you set me loose with some postcards.

* Mumsnet split their feminism section into two boards, one of which does indeed concentrate on gendermentalism. The other board isn't nearly as popular, and gets invaded by these types of threads as well. Who knew men's colonisation of women (they even went there) would be such a hot topic.

** Nice stab at ageism.

*** Steph is a rational individual. See? I can make stuff up too.

One more time:
Quote from: Steph
Debate defined as everyone nodding in agreement

Said without irony in the very thread where I was censored, by someone who belongs to a group dragged kicking and screaming out of #NoDebate and given to very noisily doing their best to drown out and threaten their opponents.

They're not happy unless they're shutting other people up and policing them for wrongthink.

**** That a museum celebrating suffragettes found itself under pressure to cancel a women's meeting is a perverse sort of pride.

***** Forced teaming being TRA's forte.


Drink up

Quote from: Pale Rider the lesser, 15.9.23
Prefabs worked so well partly thanks to that nice Mr Hitler who created lots of suitable building plots.

Not in the spirit of Godwin, so I won't count it.

Apparently I've changed my mind about the drinking game. I'll leave that one to your discretion.

Quote from: Regulator, 17.9.23
It appears that Barbie Hitler won’t be going to NZ this week. Apparently it’s nothing to do with the fact she’s likely to be banned from entry but that her family are “worried about her safety”… yeah, right.

Keen and other women were subjected to appalling abuse in NZ. But yeah, make light of her safety concerns.

Quote from: Steph, 18.9.23
Nazi x3
Avon Braun x2

I'm making an executive decision not to reprint everything Steph posts, or spend much time fact-checking rants. Here's someone who does the latter:

Nor will I be keeping an eye on all of Yacf or CycleChat. NCAP is an easy search, but I'm mostly interested in the gender topic, which clearly has the power to bring out the worst in people.

Quote from: Steph, also 18.9.23

That's right, 0. Documented to show I can be magnanimous.

Surprise surprise there was skepticism on Mumsnet (which must haunt Steph's dreams much like cycling forums haunt mine) that the Chelmsford double murder was really committed by a woman. That's what happens when a) something unusual happens, but most of all, b) public trust is lost in what police and media say because they've lost the ability to correctly sex criminals.

Quote from: Steph, 21.9.23
Re that book, 'Trans'. No, I haven't read more than excerpts, just as I haven't read more than excerpts of Mein Kampf, nor that book Greer wrote where she praises paedophilia.

Make your own mind up about The Beautiful Boy, which I presume is the Greer reference. To put Hitler's book on the same shelf as either is… just so Steph.

Quote from: various
a lot of people here value you
Have a virtual hug from me

So validating. So compassionate. So Yacf.

CyclingUK, LFGSS, and Singletrackworld are also captured by the Geschlechterkult. I reckon the boys who run are as well. CycleChat's politics board, being unmoderated, can't be captured as such, but it's tough going for those who aren't realityphobic.

Yacf (NCAP are amateurs)
Quote from: Steph, 22.9.23
Avon Braun x2
Literal Nazis x1
Plain old Nazis x1
Mein Kampf x1

On the subject of hate, this one's for Steph, who can't seem to differentiate between actual hate and legitimate concern, and lacks the ability to parse – what's the word for it? – nuance. Anything not 100% onboard or quite clearly deranged (e.g. death threats, and I don't mean made up extinction events) is then a dogwhistle.

Quote from: Steph, also 22.9.23
Another trope from the TERFs: trans people weren't persecuted by the Nazis. Lots of Nazis were crossdressers. Typical troons, claiming victim status. Troons are all Nazis!

Reality: the first bookburning session by the Nazis was on the sex research institute of Hirschfeld.

Here's a [low-grade - Ed.] Smithsonian article

I guess this counts against the other side? Even with that credit to be applied, the net result is still more Nazis.

Quote from: Steph, 25.9.23
Mein Kampf x1
Daily Heil x1

Not another Nazi
« Reply #136 on: September 29, 2023 »
If you're looking for Nazis ↑ you've gone too far.

Eyes wide shut

Quote from: theclaud
Get a room, you two, FFS.

Quote from: matticus
This forum was created so that users would be allowed to insult other users with impunity. It's helpful to realise this as early as possible in one's NACA "journey".
Has the ring of truth.

Quote from: mudsticks
I'm off to Wales now to do some 'Real World' 'On the Ground' relentlessness >>>>>
Mudsticks habitually keeps us apprised of her movements. Fortunately it's never GPS accurate.

'Relentless', which she's used a few times today and a search shows me she uses more often than most, is my middle name, by deed poll.

Quote from: Pale Rider the lesser
Quote from: qigong chimp
I'm not a kid
Your posts indicate otherwise.
I'm not as down on the lesser as others, but joy vampire sounds about right.

Quote from: Fab Foodie
Rishi Sunak is a Tosser….
Fab. We've talked about those dot dot dots.

Quote from: theclaud
Quote from: icowden
So it's fine to vilify [Russell Brand] in the press, destroy his livelihood and make him a pariah on the basis of no actual evidence
animated gif alert
He's probably got an idea of what evidence means, "actual" being a clue, but one can't really fault the thrust. Hopefully the concept of innocent until proven guilty is still a going concern in a court of CycleChat opinion law.

Alt text: Please don't disappear, video of a ship that has sailed

Quote from: winjim
There is evidence and it has been presented to the public.
Welcome to the de-enlightenment.

Quote from: multitool
Quote from: icowden
A forum built for and around women seems to have a different point of view. Who'da thunk?
You think mumsnet is purely used by women?
Nuance fail. Of course, icowden didn't say it was purely used by women. He was in fact painstakingly accurate. The multitrolls of the world delight in such bullshit. Abandon hope all ye opponents who attempt to engage in good faith. Monkers and Steph are the same. In a just universe they would get the Zod treatment.

Has AuroraSaab managed to escape the gender thread? If so, congratulations are in order for a job well done. I'm confident she educated some lurkers despite (and even because of) the bullying and taunts, which carry on regardless.

Quote from: newfhouse
This you, Andy?
A deep dive in 9 minutes flat for that gotcha is impressive. Shame newfhouse is playing for the wrong team...

also known as The Dark Side.
Quote from: AndyRM
you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy
Hey, I kept most of his quote.

In their rush for the jugular, they check if it's a mate first. Human nature.

Quote from: newfhouse
Quote from: icowden
If I was wealthy I'd have a new bathroom and a new front door at least to show for it.
Oh, the horror. How do you survive?
That's quite the snark for a filthy capitalist.
My memory is a curse.
Quote from: Ian H
We're just here peddling our opinions.
Once upon a time gentle humour would've papered over the cracks. When you've had an eyeful of the sort of nonsense Ian is cabable of peddling, it stops being charming.

Quote from: Winjim
I know you're trolling

Seriously, that needs a proper definition. Like a few other T words that come to mind.

Quote from: Rusty Nails
The actors in the discussion are not the best ones to declare who is trolling, just as footballers are not the best ones to referee their own game.
I just so happen to be perfectly positioned to be infallible, which comfortably exceeds the job requirement.

Quote from: multitool
Her school was founded by a bunch of utter cùnts
Must I now start a cunt count?

Making a list

checking it twice

Quote from: theclaud
It's extremely objectionable to claim that women's verbal evidence… is not evidence,
Welcome news to gender critical women.
and it's not the first time you've done it. I guess it must be related to your view that we are 'there to be impregnated'.
I'm getting a strong urge to chew the scenery.