Author Topic: Pride

« on: June 30, 2022 »
Cold takes from yet another cycling forum:

Man takes pride in bullying his way into the women's toilets. I think Steph is an unreliable narrator. Even if I'm wrong, consider that a woman face to face with a burly bloke at a Pride event is likely to give in despite her first best instincts.

– Interesting woman with familiar name jumps on non-binary bandwagon and becomes less interesting.

barakta gives us het up heathens two options: "ignorance or transphobia". She forgets a third: "Not cult[1] members."

– Kim kindly ladles out the kool-aid.

fimm/flam drinks it.


1. Good thread here too. [Waits patiently to be called a cult member myself.]
2. Whoosh.
3. There is no 3rd

Other voices
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2022 »
Another busy day at the office.

Américains sanglants

I read this
Ministry of Justice officials warned that talk about 'protecting women' could be transphobic
In order to “be an active ally”, staff were given a glossary titled “recognising transphobic coded language”, which contained 35 everyday phrases that it claimed were “turning what would be considered overt discrimination into covert behaviour”.

‘List of coded language’

The list of “coded language” includes the phrase “gender critical”, which is used to refer to campaigners who believe [know -Ed.] biological sex is binary and immutable.

However, the document claims it is a “self-selected label to denote holding anti-trans views, it’s a term used to make anti-trans discrimination sound palatable or a respectable opinion” and warns staff to look out for social media accounts that hold this view.

decisions, decisions
The choices were a Telegraph link for subscribers, which I'm not; an archive site; or yahoo!news, that fabled pillar of the fourth estate. I went for the one with the purple which loads quickest.

and thought of the gang at YACF. For some reason.

What's that sound?

With transgender awareness week over, a reminder that every week is transgender awareness week now.

Presumably evidence for JK Rowling's ongoing trial

We're in the midst of the great freeze peach battle of our time.

Back on my usual beat across the other road,
Twitter under Musk
Quote from: winjim
Quote from: Beebo
Trump’s account has been unblocked.
Apparently there was some sort of vote.

52:48 and about as democratic.

Post Of The Day is awarded for the Brexit reference.

For all his failings, I prefer Musk (funny how genuinely good news has been ignored by those who stamp their likes on almost everything) to the gang that ran things before.

And their minions.
Here was one.

I learned about Melissa from Ovarit, but it's always worth going to the source to judge for yourself. Turns out his position at Twitter is being misrepresented, which is why I've downgraded him to minion.

Have a look at his hate video. There's definitely some of what I would consider "hate" on there, but mostly it's people just being a bit mean – probably because they're sick of what's being shoved down their throats. And this:
No wonder I got in trouble for my I am a woman tweet. Unbelievable.

So yeah, it's a good thing he was let go.

Apologies if you're a faithful reader [it could happen] and know I've already used that twice already.
What better way to celebrate today's celebrity birthday

than to link to a fool exercising her freedom of speech. Ain't it glorious?

. . .

Quote from: Evan Urquhart
I think the best thing to do right now would be to listen to what smart trans people are saying. People like me…

Oh, Evan.