Author Topic: Who trolled whom

Who trolled whom
« on: December 29, 2022 »
Re: Sussex Cyclist's trolling of the forum
Quote from: @PedallingSquares
I am, or was, a member of his website/forum but have never posted on there.I might.

Still are, I believe. And yet to make your first post! Now's your chance.


Who trolled whom
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2022 »
Always remember: just because you're upset, doesn't mean you've been trolled.

Now that the thread has... served its purpose,

• To trash me and move on.

• Increased sympathy for the mods.

it is of course locked (with one last grenade lobbed in). IMO it should never have been started, but far be it for me to tell Cycling UK how to run their shambles of a show.

My offer is open to @anyone over there. It's an easy offer to make, as it's unlikely anyone will have the balls or grace to take me up on it. To be frank – which I've been, both Zappa and Sinatra – I wouldn't want to host those who made that thread so infamous, showing as little regard for the truth as they do. However, if there's one thing I've learned from stepping into the lion's den multiple times, it's that it's good to go outside your comfort zone; because the more you do, the larger the zone gets.

I'm perfectly aware that I'm different. I don't approach forums the way so many other people do, which could perhaps be characterised as "It's only a forum." Meaning they don't bring their best to the game. Or often very much at all.

It was only a forum
Quote from: toontra
Just for a bit of background, "Sussex Cyclist" (as is his current nom-de-plume here) was the admin for a cycle forum in the early-mid 2000's, popular with audaxers. In a fit of pique he closed the whole forum down simply because he objected to posters using emojis :D Disenfranchised members went on to create a new forum for themselves, which he himself later joined and started posting nonsense on as well :roll:

Memory lane: I know it well.

The fall of Another Cycling Forum wasn't nearly so simple as that, but I don't expect much in the way of historical accuracy from toontra. It is true that as of this writing I am at YACF posting nonsense to people who have a reduced capacity to make sense of the world.

He's using his postings on existing forums in an effort to entice/lure people to his own forum where he is king and no dissenting voices are not tolerated.

Nice use of the word "lure", especially as there appears to be no reward. Not very enticing then I guess.
If you're going to spend time doing something, do it right. Don't just give us hot takes, reactions, lazy crowd-pleasers. Don't regurgitate pablum. Don't make stuff up unless your purpose is to write fiction {like so}. Think for yourself. Every time you post, think about what kind of forum you want.


« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2023 »
5 months after registration and still hadn't lost your virginity. G'bye.