Author Topic: Triggering

« Reply #40 on: May 02, 2022 »
Quote from: winjim
Quote from: Beebo
Every day is a school day.
I’ve learned the word langer.

See if you can use it in a sentence this week.

His trousers fell to his knees and he pulled his clanger clear of his oversized shorts before wrenching her skirt up and ripping the front of her knickers away.

"You can ring my bell any time," she purred.

Just made deadline.

« Reply #41 on: May 03, 2022 »
American bombshell? Roe vs. Wade….

First things first....

Enough to qualify as a trademark?
Quote from: Fab Foodie
Quote from: spen666
Quote from: Fab Foodie
You can't be said to be a free country and deny women's rights over their bodies....

A good soundbite that actually does not stand up to scrutiny.

All laws control what people do - some with property, some with their body. For example the law says I cannot put Class A drugs into my body. So does that mean its not a free country?

All laws are a balance between competing rights. In the case of the abortion laws, the rights of the unborn child have to be balanced against the right of the female not to give birth / continue the pregnancy.

How a society balances competing rights & interests is a legitimate debate
None of the above should be twisted into saying I am anti abortion . I am not expressing a view on whether abortion should be allowed or not.

No shoot Sherlock….

Quote from: winjim
Regarding abortion, I don't really want to get into it as I find it quite upsetting and don't consider it to be a 'debate' at all, other than to say, and I know it's because of the US legal system, that I really dislike the confrontational use of the term 'versus'. It feels unnecessarily antagonistic to me.

Excuse the multiple parenthetical clauses.

I refer the plainant to Boechler, P.C. v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, if only to deflect attention from the unsupported statement concerning a dislike of unnecessary antagonism.

As far as I'm concerned it's an issue where there's a right side and a wrong side, and I have very little time for those on the wrong side.

Too soon to use this again?

Quote from: Bill Clinton
Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.

Two out of three ain't bad.

Quote from: mudsticks
How about a sex (with men) strike??

Define man.

Yet more Tory sleaze….

Quote from: mudsticks
I'm sure I'm on the ignore list of quite a few chaps on here, who can't bear the sound of my 'opinionated wimmins' voice.

We all have our annoying traits. Mine is being without moral blemish: a cross I bear with fortitude. It's doubtful anybody holds the biblical fact that you're Adam's rib against you, mudsticks. Your frequently condescending tone

and rhetorical devices such as that colloquialism dropped with tongs like a urinal cake into a cup of Horlicks, on the other hand, is clearly not to everybody's taste....

« Reply #42 on: May 04, 2022 »
Bypassing Paywalls

Quote from: AndyRM
Reading through several threads this morning, a few folks are having issues with paywalls on news sites. Rather than go through individually and link this, I thought I'd create a thread with this link, which eliminates them:

Granted they appear to have stopped asking for money.

Might want to remove The Economist as their poster boy.

Quote from: BoldonLad
Isn’t bypassing the paywall akin to not having a TV licence and watching Live BBC TV?


It is arguably akin enough that a curt "No" is unconvincing.

The options are there for everyone. Do with the link whatever you feel comfortable with, it really doesn't matter to me.

Nor will it matter to anyone selling their journalism which is behind a paywall.

The journalists will be paid the same, and those who own whichever outlet will still make their money.

To live outside the law we must be honest, at least for the purposes of this post. I climb over paywalls without qualm, but am under no illusion that it isn't trespassing or theft, take your pick.

When the revenue stream of news outlets is affected, so too will be the quality of their journalism – not always in ways which will be obvious to the insouciant reader. Anyone who has served time as an overworked and under- or unpaid intern, or is scrambling for crumbs because they're not a headline act, or just has a basic understanding of capitalism, will have an intuitive grasp of this.

Quote from: winjim
I think it's right we should pay for good quality journalism, but I'm not going to take out a subscription to a newspaper with political values antithetical to my own, purely for the pointless purpose of debunking the spurious assertions of some cyclist or other on a minor corner of the internet.

NACA's homepage, which leads with hand out because even trust fund babies answer to a board, has chosen a model that leaves the matter up to the conscience. I could say that I'd open my wallet if they gave the execrable Owen Jones the heave ho, but who am I kidding. The dog dies.


more clickies
The truth is paywalled but the lies are free
The ethics and consequences of dodging paywalls
So then if you jump the New York Times paywall are you stealing

« Reply #43 on: May 05, 2022 »
The CC NACA Book Club

My picks for the prison* library:



Your mission, should you choose to accept it: make a nothingburger

Not my pic

* NACA is what I would call an open prison. While there are no guards, some of the trustees still don't trust everyone with freedom of speech.

« Reply #44 on: May 05, 2022 »
People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use.

« Reply #45 on: May 07, 2022 »
Disengage brain:
Quote from: Rusty Nails
It has been shown often enough that the only thing that mattered to some was getting out of the EU, often based on nothing more than the fallacy of "taking back control of our borders", no matter how much worse off the country is.
Most of those are so economically and socially illiterate, uncaring, or all three, that, as long as it doesn't affect their little lives too much, they are happy to have "won". Asking them for answers about the benefits is just asking them to think, and stresses their brains too much.

Quote from: RecordAceFromNew
God Almighty!

Pope Francis has said the “barking of NATO at the door of Russia” might have led to the invasion of Ukraine and that he didn't know whether other countries should supply Ukraine with more arms.

“In Ukraine, it was other states that created the conflict,” Pope Francis said in the interview, without identifying which states. He likened the war to other conflicts that he said were fomented by international interests: “Syria, Yemen, Iraq, one war after another in Africa.”

“I don’t know how to answer—I am too far away—whether it is right to supply the Ukrainians” with weapons, the pope said. “What’s clear is that in this land arms are being tested… Wars are fought for this: to test the arms we have made.”

As head of an authoritarian, single party state tolerating no dissent even on the existence of his invisible friend, he has the cheek to lecture democratically elected, upstanding leaders of the free world, like our Boris and Truss. Sitting behind Swiss mercenaries armed with lethal spears, he is nothing more than a hypocrite, spewing venom against Lockheed and our BAe. I trust you all agree, that we in the liberal West now have a duty to sanction the Vatican till it goes bust, freeze all wealth from all Catholics (especially those who are rich AND powerful, like Biden; but not Boris, since he is neither rich, powerful nor practicing, afaict), and silence them as belligerent state sponsored actors. This comprehensive package of actions will uphold our rule based order, and hopefully cause a regime change at the Holy See.

I think you all would also be gratified to know, that never mind our messaging, censorship has actually been working great even before our latest legislation - neither the ft nor the Guardian, like numerous msm on all sides of the political spectrum, has reported this travesty by the Pope, in case the weak of mind amongst you lot might succumb to such nonsense and be swayed.

For the man himself? Exactly like that RecordAceFromNew "Russian sleeper" in this Parish, the Pope is clearly a Putin apologist, conflating the war with the dastardly image below. I therefore feel sure, at the very least, that @Mr Celine and @BoldonLad would support his burning at stake…


One way of making your point:
Quote from: Xipe Totec
Quote from: BoldonLad
If we take as read, that women should have control of their own body, and, that the right to terminate a pregnancy should the woman’s personal free choice. At which point is it felt that the sperm donor (ie father), should have any responsibilities and/or rights?

Rights regarding the termination or otherwise of a pregnancy?

Absolutely none, zero, nothing, in any way, shape or form.

Better way of going about it:
Quote from: AuroraSaab
Re male input into a decision about termination. You would hope that most people were in relationships where they could come to the decision that was right for them together. But ultimately it has to be the woman's decision because pregnancy can be physically dangerous and having a child you don't want can be hugely psychologically damaging. That's not to say that these issues don't affect the male; most men are devastated by a partners miscarriage for example. However, the risks and hardships of pregnancy, both medical and emotional, are almost exclusively borne by the woman so the decision must lie with them.

AuroraSaab: I can see Craig's point on this.

theclaud: Give over.

Craig the cyclist: One day [theclaud] will agree with me, it's bound to happen.

AuroraSaab: I don't disagree with every post by certain members just because that person wrote it. I'd rather address each individual argument on its merits, regardless of who posted it.

Quote from: theclaud
Maggot really does not have a point, unless you count repeatedly demonstrating oneself to be a tendentious w[a]nker as a point of some kind.

Evidently they have history. Did she used to be his drill sergeant?

Not sure what that clip from The Man With Two Brains is doing here, but I don't have the heart to delete it.

I should probably make up my mind.

Ignore misinformation and abuse? You mean the fun parts?

Do I root for sense and sensibility, or bickering bickerstaffs?

Quote from: fozy tornip
I'm not advocating giving gratuitous abuse, merely pointing out that should you wish to, w@nker will usually do it. Except in those cases where it's merely descriptive, e.g. Tory MPs...

If you want further to indulge Craig's appetite for disingenuous attention seeking, any number of new threads suggest themselves: "Slavery: must it always in every case be a bad thing? What about where a sub-saharan African child is rescued from certain death at the incisors of a rabid hippo by avuncular slave traders, and gets to go on a cruise, all expenses paid? Well? You haven't thought this though like I have", "Fritzl; better mad with much love than idiot with none?" etc.

Just for the record, I'm of the view that women should have the right to feed their offspring into a wood-chipper head first at any time until the child has achieved financial independence.

Entertaining (some would pay to be spanked this hard), but not persuasive outside of one's peer group. Which is the problem with this forum even when it does rise to quality entertainment.

« Reply #46 on: May 08, 2022 »
Quote from: theclaud
I'm not interested in 'winning' the likes of 'Craig' over to anything. 'Maggot' is not an epithet, as Bromptonaut has explained - it's a reference to his former CC moniker, under which he was every bit as vile, in-thread and elsewhere. I'm also not interested in decorum - you can worry, if you want to, about the etiquette of how you address someone whose forum behaviour is so reliably and deliberately repugnant. Anyway, 'w*nker' is, in these circumstances, as close to a compliment as I can muster.

None of it matters, of course - Unkraut's stifling moral sensibilities, Craig's horribleness, Spen's bizarre conviction that anyone is interested in his 'views' on what women should be 'allowed' to do... Women need abortions, and women have abortions - they always will. When your back is against the wall of an unwanted pregnancy, as I think Katha Pollitt said, it's neither here nor there whether the foetus is a 'person' or not (it isn't). But of course endangering, hurting, frightening, immiserating, policing, controlling and judging women is the point, not a means to an end.

Unkraut's contributions are valuable in this thread in particular, for what should be obvious reasons. Even though he's in the god squad, I also find him far less self-righteous than stiflers on the left.


If winning these people over is off the table, one then has to consider what theclaud is interested in doing. Venting? Mission accomplished.

Converting lurkers into contributors? Some, even most, will need a history lesson or at least programme notes.

Or is this just another team building exercise?

Quote from: AuroraSaab
I doubt anything you say will affect Craig, but it might affect others who are reading the thread and make them reflect on the issue.

I'd much rather NACA had lots of different contributors rather the hard core of half a dozen regular posters, but I think the bickering on here puts them off, so the style of posting does affect more people than just those doing the posting.

Quote from: theclaud
I reckon liberal tone policing and the delusion that this is some sort of debating society governed by decorum and procedure probably puts off more people than I do by being insufficiently respectful of re-incarnated gremlins from over the road. Who can say?

As it happens I like theclaud (theSpen not so much, for reasons so dusty the statute of limitations should probably apply), but as Clint might say, like's got nothin' to do with it.

« Reply #47 on: May 09, 2022 »
Quote from: Unkraut

[My interpretation]

…below is a short summary of the beginning of a semon by John MacArthur, an elder statesman in the movement…

Close enough to count as a Freudian slip.

Quote from: winjim
There's so much nonsense flying about on this thread that I think to avoid getting dragged into it and for the sake of my own sanity and respect for other people the sensible thing to do is to mute it.
The irony of my feeling I have to leave the discussion because of posts made by religious moralists is not lost on me, just so you know.

Is irony the right word? Is there a term for irony that also means really bitter and shitty? I dunno, anyway you get my point.

Winjim has form for hysterically threatening to flounce from threads, and yes, I use the H word advisedly, though I know not the sex.

Quote from: winjim
I’ve not hit the ignore button yet, but to clarify it's more to prevent myself reacting in what would be an antagonistic and hostile manner and would not move the discussion forwards in a constructive manner.

I hold to my initial point that I don't consider this a debate. I would consider it disrespectful to people directly affected by the provision of abortion care for two cis men to be arguing over religion in this thread, so I'm removing the temptation for me to get involved in such an argument.

It's fascinating to me that I still don't know for sure, despite what at first appears to be a self ID; words are such slippery devils. But it matters not. Testerically works just as well.

Count your blessings* to have as part of such a discussion the unliked Unkraut, preacher men

being thin on the ground here. It gives folks (I also use the F word advisedly) the opportunity to show their tolerance, expound rationally, and rise above. Or at least take a stab at it.

Quote from: mudsticks
I seem to have a very busy week / life coming up…

I'm confident Mudsticks will find time to come back and glower periodically. It's just too tempting.

I might be tempted to say that the breathtaking ignorance, and arrogance displayed by some 'debating' this issue, on here, whilst possessing no 'uterus in the game' absolutely beggars belief .

I would say that...
But in fact it does no such thing, it's just routine behaviour, from people who feel their 'opinion' is as valid as anyone elses, however ignorant they may be.

Unless I'm parsing that wrong, a charge of ignorance has just been flung at someone who is quite articulate, which would be… ironic.

* A bit strong perhaps, but seriously, should you manage to whittle the forum down to people who don't challenge you, your mind will become a very dull instrument. Take another site I frequent, where they also spend a lot of time preaching to the choir (something most of us have a high tolerance for). Without onslaught from those who in my opinion lack knowledge and awareness, connoisseurs of logic wouldn't have such a banquet to feast upon.

Quote from: Julia9054
Quote from: Unkraut
One of my problems with this is that modern secularists assert that if a man says he is a woman, then he is (as you well know!) whilst at the same time being unable to give a definition of what a woman is.

As you well know, views on this topic (irrelevant here) are not divided along religious lines and there are a range of views completely unrelated to whether someone believes in a god or not.

You can't defend women's rights if you're unclear what a woman is (is there an echo in here?); and indeed, some trans volk are having an attack of the vapours that their voices aren't sufficiently centred in this conversation.

Quote from: Psalm 139:13-16
For thou didst form my inward parts,
    thou didst knit me together in my [pregnant person’s] [thing the front hole leads to].
I praise thee/them, for they is fearful and wonderful.
    Wonderful are thy works!
Thou knowest me right well;
    my frame (not that one) was not hidden from thee,
when I was being made in secret,
    intricately wrought in the depths of the earth.
Thy eyes beheld my unformed and unassigned substance;
    in thy book were written, every one of them,
the days that were formed for me,
    when as yet there was none of them.

Quote from: Xipe Totec
There exist people with deeply held 'controversial' opinions and beliefs that are widely viewed as unacceptable, even outrageous - so should we respect the views of those who think black people are not deserving of equal rights? That homosexuality should be outlawed and gay people criminalised? That women should have no autonomy over their own bodies?

Any moderately unignorant person will be able to tell which of those is not like the others.

For the record, I straddle the Unkraut/AuroraSaab line.

Quote from: unkraut
Everything is there from conception. If that is not the case, when do the unborn become human? When do they cease to be part of the mother's body?

This is not as a rule how people view the unborn if the subject is not abortion. When colleagues or friends have got pregnant they never talk about having a foetus, they are expecting a baby, and if they sadly have a miscarriage they mourn the loss. It's not like having a tooth or appendix out. Babies born very prematurely can now be saved by near miraculous medical intervention, and it is a baby, a human being that is saved and that all rejoice over.
worth a reprint:
Quote from: AuroraSaab
Re male input into a decision about termination. You would hope that most people were in relationships where they could come to the decision that was right for them together. But ultimately it has to be the woman's decision because pregnancy can be physically dangerous and having a child you don't want can be hugely psychologically damaging. That's not to say that these issues don't affect the male; most men are devastated by a partners miscarriage for example. However, the risks and hardships of pregnancy, both medical and emotional, are almost exclusively borne by the woman so the decision must lie with them.

I think life starts pretty damn early, but for practical reasons women get to decide its fate. Blame god for the parasitical nature of mammalian sexual reproduction.

That said, to put half the species on mute (as if that were possible – sorry winjim) for only having prostate in the game also shows a certain lack of

In other business…
Quote from: Fab Foodie
Any Questions was pretty good this week.

I find this allegation preposterous.

Sorry, I misread that as Question Time. Any Questions has indeed been known to achieve pretty goodness.

« Reply #48 on: May 10, 2022 »
Quote from: Fab Foodie
I wouldn't join a religion that would have me as a believer….

Once you've seen how relentless Fab Foodie is with the dot dot dot dots you can't unsee it, and it's doing my head in. There once was a guy on the old C+ forum and maybe early CC who always used loads of them too. I think FF was around back then. Did he somehow catch it from him?

It behooves me to overlook this annoying tic trail and my historical antipathy (he started it) and award a gold star POTD, which is a brand new stratum; Google has been unwilling to spit up other incidences or variations, so well done.

Quote from: Ian H
One of those hybrid remarx.

Spare the like, spoil the lurker.

Quote from: mudstucks

I know this is traditionally put at the end, but you really should've started with it. It had the right words, and the right number of them.

Quote from: theclaud
I'm not going to bother with a lengthy reply to Unkraut's last, because it's so grotesque I don't wish to dignify it by treating it as a legitimate argument

And how is that going? If you have no interest in understanding these people as other than deplorables, fine I guess.

Religion is bollocks and I don't respect it, though I'm fond of the buildings and some of the music

even that

and plenty of the people who believe. So far all of Unkraut's posts reasonably set out his views, few of which I find grotesque given that I also believe life begins at conception and note that the degree of reverence for it is correlated with its convenience. Which is not to say babies can't be pretty damned inconvenient. If anything, my opinion that life is necessarily cheap until we make it out of the slot machine (a metaphor too far?) is beyond the pale, but there you go.

Quote from: newfhouse
What if anti-abortionists were forced to carry any cancerous tumours they develop to full term? Would the removal of a life changing bundle of rapidly multiplying cells suddenly become a purely medical matter?

I know you didn't just compare a fetus to a cancer. Or did you?

« Reply #49 on: May 12, 2022 »
Quote from: AndyRM
Quote from: mudsticks
What would Jesus say?? Oh hang on, he wouldn't get to say anything would he?? "We'll have no brown skinned peeps in 'our' church thanks.."

Nah, I reckon he'd roll with:

"Yo, I hang out with 12 dudes a day, and I'm f*cking at least three of them. And don't get me started on all the hookers I'm cool with. Everyone's on board.

"That said. See you m*therf*ckers trying to run up debts in MY HOUSE? Get the f*ck out of here."

So, in conclusion, Jesus was polyamorous and didn't like seeing people get taken advantage of. And some f*ckers think the modern interpretation that's been f*cked around by old whiiii....tttt...eeee..... guuuuyyy...ssssss for.

Nope. Boring myself.

Read your bible religious f*ckers, see what it's all about.

A committed pagan, with the tattoos to prove it. Not that I need them, or that Jesus would have eithe..... oh, wait, I'm getting into that boring sh*t again.

Well, that wasn't boring. Someone even took it seriously.

Dog wants out (wait for it, there are two). My main complaint with the video is there aren't any snarky comments. Numerologists will be pleased that there are 33.

I go to NACA for the same reason I watch bad TV: I'm an idiot. Also, I'm always on the lookout for actual good stuff. I don't know if this will qualify

Quote from: Ian H
I think Derek Jarman was a genius.

but even if it doesn't, it was worth it just for

Quote from: GothBoy UK
I still regularly shout out "My gawd, it's Amyl Nitrate!”