Author Topic: Triggering

« on: October 29, 2021 »
Quote from: Archie_tect
Nothing is as simple as it may appear... it is difficult, nigh impossible, to second-guess the correct response to any given situation.

You can't please all of the people all of the time, but people need to be less confrontational and more accepting.

From a thread over at CycleChat's News, Current Affairs & Politics, a naughty corner which was moved clear out of the room. (Other sites have them, too.)

Banned from CC, I'll take scraps of meta.

Quote from: winjim
We're living rent free in their heads, as I think the kids are saying these days. - What do we think so far

What do we think so far?

Quote from: fozy tornip
I think we should have a referendum about re-joining CC.
Let's face it, it's pretty dull, and with one or two notable exceptions we've lost the people from whom it was possible occasionally to learn something interesting. Shep's favourite cuss words? How many times the word hypocrite can be levered into a single post? Who wants to know, frankly?
And half the fun was the meta-narrative; seeing how close you could sail to the Byzantine moderation red lines without triggering a reaction. It's become a fruit machine that costs nothing to play and never pays out.
A post which transcends likes

No offence, Archie. Literally. This one's for you:

Thanks Etsy

click for the hell of it
If there are any CCNCA&P lurkers about and you're taking requests, here's mine.

Quote from: mudsticks
I'm a radical feminist, for sure.
But not trans exclusionary

Please ask mudsticks what she means by exclusionary. Ta.

Squid game
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2021 »
Quote from: Fab Foodie
Simply put them on ignore.


Quote from: Pale Rider (no relation)
Bless them, they are not terribly bright.

Repurposing quotes is cheap entertainment. As is wearing someone else's username.

Quote from: mudsticks
It's all wearing dreadfully thin

I thought that was just your style. If you want to be the change, try knitting sentences into paragraphs.

Quote from: shep
Far too much reading!

Not including reading between the lines.
Anyway, that's why Netflix was invented.

(on edit: I should fix this little technical difficulty, but won't.)

Quote from: mjr
We are living on borrowed time until someone really tries to disrupt it.

Honestly, anything would be an improvement.*

Quote from: Pale Rider
Dull, dull, dull.

It does sometimes remind me of another earnest episode of Question Time.

Quote from: Pale Rider
Snipe, snipe, snipe.

Always on the hunt for another

Quote from: Pale Rider

*How wrong was I.

Bunfight at the OK Corral
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2021 »
Quote from: Pale Rider
My posts are what they are

That they are.

Quote from: theclaud
Tendentious, misogynistic, self-aggrandising blather, mainly. And textbook DARVO. I guess the latter is what makes @swansonj consider you interesting as a case study of some kind.

Just when I was about to mosey on out again.

Welcome to the wild west.

I like to think this is how I would act if confronted by a gunslinger:

the politics of dancing
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2021 »
Both sides are locked in a clinch with each other.

Quote from: Paleo Rider
Among the small mindedness are stupid gifs designed to ridicule.


This man is certainly enjoying himself.

(I prefer video to animated .gifs)
(on edit: goddamnit. Well, I'll leave it to your imagination.)

Found buried in a pile of Brexit:

Quote from: winjim
The very existence of this forum is predicated on nobody knowing or understanding the meaning of the word 'politics'.

Post of the day.

Re: Triggering
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2021 »
Quote from: me
Honestly, anything would be an improvement.

Retracted. We all say things we don't mean in the heat of a yawn. Please just surprise me from time to time.

Quote from: shep
I'd love to know what all you people on here do on a daily basis that I don't to help these I appear to show lack of empathy to.

It's only 5.30pm, but I'm calling it: post of the day. (Surprised myself there.) Winner because it's a good question.

Having stopped back later in the evening I spotted this entertaining ad hom. Alas, the decision has been made.

The Naughty Corner Gang
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2021 »
Post of the day:

Quote from: fozy tornip
It was the downward, asymmetrical curve of Paterson's cake-hole (and I use the term advisedly) that nagged at me

until I remembered Jabba's retirement from the cruel world of inter-galactic Crime Lordship

That sort of attention to detail is admired in these parts.

Another? Oh why not.

Quote from: Rusty Nails
The trouble with companies like Amazon is they thrive on a non-competitive service. They may start off offering a useful service, but once they get big they use their strength to buy up competition and freeze newcomers out of the ability to compete. The rates and tax structure that high street shops have to work within is hugely and unfairly more onerous than Amazon and other international online sellers, who have the ability to set up their structures/offices and HQs to avoid anything like a comparitive level of taxation.

It is only the weakness of our governments, and a cosy relationship between top politicians and owners/executives of internet behemoths, that allows this situation to flourish and prosper even more. So continue to use Amazon for whatever reasons you choose, but do not pretend that fairness of competitiveness is anything to do with it.

As for this:

Quote from: swansonj
Most of us (and I include both myself and yourself in that, though based on different pieces of evidence) have racist biases and assumptions. Which does make it a bit of a stretch to conclude that a person's views on immigration are ever completely divorced from their views on race.

And, specifically, racists generally do want stricter controls on immigration. If someone who is trying to be non-racist finds themselves in the same camp as pretty well every racist going, they might question whether that is indeed the right camp to be in.

(That's a principle I apply to myself in a different area, where my thoughts on transgender issues put me in the same camp as some pretty nasty people, and I therefore ask myself whether the reasons I articulate to myself for having those thoughts are actually honest and whether that is the right set of thoughts to hold.)

Choose your mob wisely, I guess.

The Naughty Corner Gang
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2021 »
Creature feature

Quote from: P R
Coke head and dirty old man Keith Vaz followed by this creature.

Quote from: swansonj
A striking choice of terminology.

Quote from: Aristotle
Man is a political animal.



  • London's hard-boiled black'n'white sweetie
Re: Triggering
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2021 »
Not necercelery -

"- but then there is no saving the world, and the ones who say there is are the ones you need to save it from."

"When you have mown a hayfield, you should turn and look back on your work admiringly. If you have got it right, you should see a field lined with long, curving windrows of cut grass, with clean, mown strips between them. It’s a beautiful sight, which would have been familiar to every medieval citizen of this old, old continent."

found in

The Naughty Corner Gang
« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2021 »
Good find.

Next post down,

Quote from: mudsticks
Wish me luck, or wish me trouble..
Depending on your pov

made me laugh. As did this, from today:

Quote from: Bromptonaut
Quote from: fozy tornip
Before you all post your subscriptions to spen's online course in temperate forum etiquette, consider that "bile spurting prick", no less, was his measured response to someone who demurred mildly to the nationalistic, weaponised, toxic brew of mawkish sentimentality and aggressive prescriptiveness that is GB Remembrance.

I suppose you can forgive a lawyer for ignorance of biology.

Ah, biology...

Quote from: cookiemonster
If you have male parts, you're male.
If you have female parts, you're female.
It is that simple.

along with forums, one of my favourite subjects.

Quote from: fozy tornip
As a point of honour I've challenged myself to bait you to a similar pitch of choleric patriotic incontinence this remembrance week.

Blatent honesty. Good choice.

The game's afoot.

The Naughty Corner Gang
« Reply #9 on: November 09, 2021 »
I'm going to be liveblogging* this. You'll never know unless you refresh from time to time, but why would you do that, 'bot? (With apologies to Humbug and his alter ego Ernestine, I've taken to addressing the core NACF audience directly.)

* i.e., editing this post

Quote from: Banderhill
Do you know anywho who identifies as non-binary? Do you see how that choice impacts their day-to-day life and is it positive (creating informative discourse about gender and identity) or negative (people willfully refusing to accept their choice and "labelling" them anyway)?

I've got a "heads I win tails you lose" coin to show you.

Today's teenagers seem much more informed, open and accepting.

From the nothing-new-under-the-sun department: And a child shall lead them (or not).

Quote from: AuroraSaab
Might as well get this out of the way: I'll likely be agreeing with whatever would be in this quote box.

Drums fingers awaiting theclaud, who laid down the gauntlet.
Not disappointed.

Quote from: icowden
I have heard it said that one is a mental health issue whilst the other is a lifestyle choice...

Wonder if that one will get any likes.

Quote from: Fab Foodie
Quote from: AuroraSaab
Women can't opt out of their oppression, but men can opt in if they fancy it:

To be fair, that's just upselling a Balaclava...

On the shortlist for POTD.

Quote from: Bromptonaut
The one time I was working with somebody undergoing male/female transition the women were fine about it. It was a bloke who got his pants in a knot.

And an anectdote shall sway them. It helps that Bromptonaut definitely knows what the women were thinking and how they were feeling. I'd add that males can't actually turn into females, but that's Old Testament thinking.

Quote from: Bromptonaut
We're encouraged to have our preferred pronouns in our profile even when they're exactly what you'd expect.

We're encouraged to swallow one pill or another. Pronouns are Rohypnol.

Quote from: merrymouse
The point of declaring pronouns is literally to ask people to treat you (and by implication everyone else) as a gender.

Thanks, Mumsnet.

Quote from: shep
What happens when 'Mr 6'1", covered in tat's and scars' is feeling 'Feminine' and fancies trying a twin set on in the Ladies changing rooms at M&S, do the Women have to put up with him strutting round like something out of the rocky Horror show or can they expect him to respect their feelings?

The man can set a scene.

Quote from: swansonj
If this forum is going to survive, unmoderated, I think a little more respect for other people's feelings might be called for all round. The impression your post leaves with me is that you have consciously decided to be gratuitously offensive to another forum member.

Being unmoderated – uncensored – is the most interesting thing about the place. It's the promised land some never lived to see.

Quote from: shep
Who's appointed you the Forum Transgender officer then?

We all get a badge. Even lurkers.

Quote from: AndyRM
You know what? F*ck you, Badly.

I do my best to respect the attitudes and feelings of everyone, but the way you present on this forum is just fucked up.

And yeah, that's rude. I know it is. But I don't care.

You've literally insulted how I feel about myself.

So again, fuck you, badly.
* I've taken the liberty of removing the other asterisks. The only swear word on my site is En*gma.

A fair exchange of feelings. You know, those things that seem to be more important when men have them than when women do.

Holding out hope for more of a discussion about what non-binary means and why it's necessary to have another box.

Quote from: shep
All this started with non-binary so nothing to do with transgender people, just people who feel they can be either depending on what mood they're in.

And a shep shall guide them back?

Quote from: AndyRM
That really isn't how being non-binary works.

If I thought there was any point in trying to explain it further I would, but there clearly isn't.

Damn, looks like you blew it. And we were so close to getting all the answers.

Quote from: fozy tornip
As they seem to be converging it may be time to merge this thread with the one running on "Non-Binary…."

Contrary to popular belief, a gender singularity awaits.

Trapping the unwary