Author Topic: Triggering

« Reply #50 on: May 15, 2022 »
Quote from: mudsticks
Quote from: newfhouse

Is that a tardy hello.

Or goodbye ??


Hello to those yearning to breathe free.

Goodbye from those who found out you don't need locks to inhibit discussion.

I seemed to have managed to lure one of our esteemed mods over here

Yes I see Pat, renowned for being a bit slow. That's not an insult, it's in her username.

Quote from: newfhouse
Quote from: mudsticks
if you look at post views, it appears we do have more than just a few 'readers'. Unless it's solely our current membership, endlessly rereading their own posts

I hardly read my hopelessly vague virtue signalling nonsense when I write it

You’re an inspiration to all us lurkers.

the T word
« Reply #51 on: May 30, 2022 »
F*ck the Tories: a Thread Dedicated to Suella Braverman
Quote from: theclaud
Can so-called feminists invested in the moral panic about transgender issues please stop being taken in so easily by obvious gender conservatives, homophobes and outright anti-feminists, please?

Quote from: Bromptonaut
It would also help if the media, or at least those wanting to be taken seriously didn't try and kebab politicians by asking them what a woman is.

Go on, play this

« Reply #52 on: June 08, 2022 »

Somebody never read the story about the boy who cried
It's hard to know what to make of winjim, who claims

5'10" and 10st of geeky four eyed puny autistic masculinity


Perhaps I don't have daughters. Perhaps I do. Perhaps I only think I do.

The autism doesn’t surprise me, as there's a well known overlap with gender dysphoria. Whatever the state of wj's neurodevelopment, formerly none of my business but he did bring it up, one may surmise he has a very personal stake in this debate. Either he figures he has trans children, which would certainly explain things, or taking him at his word that he's a he

I'm fairly open about my white cis-het able bodied male privilege

we're witnessing a highly developed sense of empathy with his fellow man, which would be unusual for someone who is autistic. In that case good for him, I guess. If only he would stop posting like a stroppy teenager.

I do admire that he's not afraid to make jokes that go whoooosh (over my head as well). We have that in common.

AS and icowden are handling things splendidly. Meanwhile shep makes a funny but neglects the obvious punchline.

« Reply #53 on: June 11, 2022 »
Quote from: theclaud
Feminist analysis has left the 'GC' building - these people are scared of Judith Butler and their hero is JK farking Rowling.

Then I'd say they're headed in the right direction; anyone fleeing Butler can be forgiven for trying to save themselves.

Quote from: FishFright
Step away from the keyboard.

That was aimed at AuroraSaab, but a better target would be Judith the obscure.

Quote from: AuroraSaab
The end game is, put crudely, to abolish gender

Quote from: theclaud
Gender again. Sorry!
I believe the report is a good-faith exploration...


« Reply #54 on: July 14, 2022 »
Quote from: matticus
Quote from: winjim
I don't want to be a back seat moderator or anything and I get the banter but there are a few posts over the last week or so especially that I think have crossed a line, or if not come pretty close.

Does it surprise you? Did you think we'd carefully promoted+nurtured a culture where that wouldn't happen?

<interest perks up again slightly>

Quote from: qigong chimp
Quote from: theclaud
I guess we could try banning emojis.

These callow parvenus won't get that ACF call back.

The hill I died on.

« Reply #55 on: July 19, 2022 »
How long have we got?

Quote from: fozy tornip
Quote from: cookiemonster
Looking at some threads and the way they've gone, I think Shaun will pull the plug by the year's end.

What say you? Are we beyond redemption?

It functions just fine as a hot poultice drawing all the poison rich microbial culture from the mothership, requires no moderation, gives him no headaches, deters no advertisers. How has this idea that it's a problem for him gained traction?

Important bit bolded. Assuming this to be true, there's no reason it can't cruise alongside the mothership forever.

Not sure how this clip got here, I must've been hacked

« Reply #56 on: July 26, 2022 »
This forum and the current state of affairs.
Quote from: Fab Foodie
Quote from: cookiemonster
We could follow 'Troll free Tuesday' with 'Woke Wednesday.'

Trans Thursday
Female Friday
Self gratification Saturday
Sod all Smiley-free Sunday
Manic Monday

Quote from: cookiemonster
Self Gratification Saturday?

Got to have one pleasurable day in the week….

Is nothing sacred?

Quote from: jowwy
are the inmates still running the asylum???

Quote from: Poacher
You're so vain.
I bet you think this thread is about you, don't you?

No, but I'm not surprised NACF came up.

Quote from: classic33

[checks Google ranking] You're forgiven.

Quote from: classic33
Personal opinion is it's not AnotherSam posting either.

I'm taking bets on this.

We're not hard to tell apart:

the notion that the rest of CC is all now sweetness and light is cobblers.

Ever since 10 things great about you turned into something more like "Fun and friendly? Not so effing fast", CycleChat has held a special place in what you might call my affəctions.

Quote from: newfhouse
Whatever must he think of us?

I think an unmoderated forum is good material.

That said, I was considering retiring (I'm always considering retiring)

when Hilda came along. Which direction to take – diary or more Paley?

If you're taking requests, more ducks please: politics as garnish rather than main course. Come to think of it, that's kind of how I like my bike forums.

Quote from: Mugshot
We all need to consider how we're posting and what we're responding to.

Been there, done that.

The precursor to Yacf was of course acf, where I used to be fond of saying "Every time you post, think about what kind of forum you want." Perhaps this sounded a bit tiring, so it got bumped down in favour of the wit and wisdom of Bill & Ted.

Spotted in the wild

« Reply #57 on: July 26, 2022 »
Also, it would be helpful if somebody could just start a thread called 'NACF'.

« Reply #58 on: July 27, 2022 »
This forum and the current state of affairs. cont'd

Quote from: AuroraSaab
Quote from: stephec
Do you mind you lot, I'm working through series seven of Shameless on Netflix at the moment and this proving a bit of a distraction, mind you the way it's going its hard to tell the difference.

It's 'distracting' in the same way a dumpster fire is. It's no wonder NACA is the same ten of us posting. Why on earth would anybody from mainstream CC want to be associated with any part of this.

First of all, would that be the American or the British Shameless? This dual citizen wants to know.

Libby to Frank: "You had me at 'I'm a twat'."

Wow, jowwy turned into an existential threat fast. He would've made a great Bond villain – it's too bad Hilda went a different direction. (I have it on good authority that

was originally meant to make an appearance too.) I blame those clips from Would You Rather for bumping it off course. Unfortunately the blame for the dumpster fire lies with deptfordmarmoset

I propose piloting a troll-free Tuesday with a view to extending it to a full self-gratification artist-free week. Each member to avoid or ignore one person.

for tempting fate.

Quote from: mjr, last October
We are living on borrowed time until someone really tries to disrupt it. If we built houses like this site, woodpeckers would destroy civilisation eventually.

Woody never was one of my favourites. It should be obvs who was.

(That intro could use a little tightening)

Quote from: AndyRM
Quote from: Mr Celine
@AndyRM if you respond to it again I'm putting you on ignore.

I've left it. I haven't put the stupid c*nt on ignore, but I will leave him to his own devices.

Putting people on ignore only works on an individual private basis, because not counting us Lurky McLurkers,
look who's lurking now
There's a Register button, you know. Though please dear god don't click it. Heaven knows what you'd do to the feng shui.
everybody who matters (i.e., CC citizens/potential users – FRESH BLOOD)

can see what's going on. Yammering on about putting people on ignore also works wonders for the ambience.

The lack of a sheriff

in town can definitely be an attraction.

Quote from: newfhouse
Quote from: AuroraSaab
What's the purpose of this forum?

Fly paper. The main forum would be buzzing without it.

The Naughty Corner Gang are only armed with fly swatters. Perhaps a leader will emerge to coordinate them.

mudsticks: I have you all under my Draconian Muddy power .. Follow me troops .. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Milkfloat: Can I get a membership card? I love a good membership card. I bet AnotherSam would rustle one up in a jiffy.

mudsticks: I think that's a great idea. But don't look to me for one, this is definitely an 'outsourcing job'. After over twenty years in business, I still don't have a business card.

I'm your man.

Here’s a sample business card. (Btw that was meant to be an animated gif of an egg timer, but I couldn't find one; and I liked the little man being covered by the sands of time.) Apologies in advance for the patriarchal name change (it was easier to illustrate), but it has a nice ring to it, don't you think?

Swearing and/or offensive language
Quote from: Xipe Totec
You're a good cünt.

Take that, net nanny. (Psssst, Shaun. Let 'em swear like adults. It doesn't seem to be hurting Justine's ad revenue.)

Let's head back to the Wild West, shall we?

Cover your ears, Ma

« Reply #59 on: July 31, 2022 »
The Sons of Anarchy Naughty Corner Gang appear to have survived jowwy.

Quote from: AndyRM
Quote from: jowwy
After i read this post earlier today. I private messaged @AndyRM to call a truce, to which we have now both agreed on, hoepfully going foward these types of posts will no longer be seen.

Calling it time is more than cool with me, and I'm glad that we went there.

I skipped most of it, but it's nice to see such an epic detente.

Quote from: winjim
I stopped paying attention to Bill Maher when he uncritically, and even sycophantically, platformed Jordan Peterson.

But you were made for each other.

Quote from: Unkraut
There is a difference between intelligence and wisdom. An Oxford education may feed the intelligence, but you need wisdom to know what to do with all your knowledge.

Hence some very well educated people can say and do some very stupid things!

Trite but true. Joint POTD with:

Quote from: Adam4868
Totally off topic….but someone recently told me about the lens function on my phone.When we'd go walking my partner would sometimes try and identify birds/plants etc.....feel like I found a miracle with lens. Although she took a picture of me and said I came up as a Sloth.


Quote from: Unkraut
Swear words are called expletives because they don't add anything to the meaning of the sentence, and there is no real need ever to use them.

Wrong on both counts.* This negates your POTD, sorry. It's been regifted:
Quote from: qigong chimp
Quote from: AuroraSaab
Language is how we communicate, it's how we understand the world…

Language is (also) how we dessicate and eviscerate the world, how we trade our birthright for a bowl full of nouns, how we delude ourselves, and the means of forgetting "there lives the dearest freshness deep down things."
on a roll
a simple, immediate sensory experience, a commonplace qualia, is already beyond the range of mighty language to communicate, unless/until we've had the experience and language can point us back in time to re-member or re-cognise it. Language is the dusty catacomb where experience goes to die.

Oh stop.


Quote from: Emma Byrne, SWEAR!NG IS GO*d F*R YOU
Swearing has helped to develop the field of neuroscience. By providing us with a useful emotional barometer, swearing has been used as a research tool for over 150 years. It has helped to discover some fascinating things about the structure of the human brain, such as its division into left and right hemispheres, and the role of cerebral structures like the amygdala in the regulation of emotions.

Swearing has taught us a great deal about our minds, too. We know that people who learn a second language often find it less stressful to swear in the adopted tongue, which gives us an idea of the childhood developmental stages at which we learn emotions and taboos. Swearing also makes the heart beat faster and primes us to think aggressive thoughts while, paradoxically, making us less likely to be physically violent.

Tell that to Al Swearengen, rendered here in El Greco aspect:

Pardon my French

* I'll admit Al's innumerable fucks often seemed like filler. Still, they helped define his character.

The referenced Tom Nuttall:

Deadwood is one of my specialist subjects.


Quote from: Electric_Andy
I'm no longer supportive of Brexit. I was wrong, I hoped for big change for the better but it's not worked out yet. I don't think it will, if ever, or for at least a few years… I initially thought that a drastic change would pave the way for a more positive and self sufficient country but it was blue sky thinking. I gave the powers that be too much credit.

Funnily enough all those things can be true. Meanwhile the gang will be pleased with the public recantation.

Quote from: mudsticks
Quote from: jowwy
And youve showed your virute signalling remoaner whinging on every thread in this forum….

…It's clearly pointless engaging with someone like you.

This is what I get for posting first thing in the morning. You people keep me on my toes.

Quote from: Salty seadog
C'mon let's hug it out.

What with Brexit, the dastardly Tories, the climate crisis, and jowwy,

Quote from: jowwy
until the owner asks me to leave or revokes my privileges, i will be here for a very long time to come.

NACAns have a lot on their plate.

Quote from: theclaud

Fine looking brekkie now in the public domain.

. . .

The print in the background in Ian's post here was going to nag at me until I found it.

Unkraut, this one's for you.