Author Topic: Triggering

« Reply #60 on: August 28, 2022 »
How is it I can wince at the R-word here

Quote from: jowwy
Engage brain before mouth retard.

yet laugh like a loon when I saw it the other day in a reply to a richly deserving Twitterer?

(It was somewhere in the aftermath of this or that, but damned if I can find it now.) Just when I'd settle down and catch my breath, the old fashioned doctor and nurse in the background set me off again.

'Retard' was a common insult on the playgrounds of my youth. We all knew kids who didn't measure up to our impossibly high standards.

As an adult I find myself using it every once in a while, strictly privately, like a swear word not meant for polite company (or almost any company, really). Wrong yet right, it hits a spot that no other word will quite reach.

Of course I do know why jowwy made me wince but the anonymous meme maker didn't: the enfant terrible is without wit.

My point? I don't make the rules about what's funny.

Wonder if The Guardian would approve of this

« Reply #61 on: August 30, 2022 »
Go suck some cock…….

How do you solve a problem like jowwy? First you have to ask if you even want to.

Interesting (TMI alert) as it has been watching the Naughty Corner Gang deal with him in their separate ways, they are of course literally powerless against the ultimate barbarian. He makes shep look cuddly.

Individuals can ignore. Forums can't.

Fan of free speech though I am, as someone has said, "All this can be seen on the general internet you know?" (We know.)

While it's possible this is a psy-op – jowwy is so over the top it's difficult to credit a functioning human being behind his posts, and Shaun looks like he has technical prowess enough to conjure a bad boy bot – I think it's more likely the lack of a good ethos* at the main site is simply reaching its full flowering. Have fun.

* "Don't be a dick" would be a start, but even the mods can't help themselves.

« Reply #62 on: September 21, 2022 »
Voluntary behaviour code?
You can't get there from there.

« Reply #63 on: September 22, 2022 »
With a special guest appearance by Al Swearengen.

NSFW by a long fucking shot

The comments on YouTube are worth reading

I made the mistake of checking our stats this morning:

While the numbers are meaningless if you don’t have advertising like some sites I could mention,

Now targetting velosoloists

it does makes me a little nervous when they go up for no known reason: it ain't natural. (December 13th 2018 must've been a fucking glitch in the matrix. And yes, we really do have that many posts in that many topics by that many <cough> members.)

This sure as fuck didn't cause it, as it was posted in the evening. Anyways, I doubt those cocksuckers have the balls to come over.

I dare you to click again

Only available on YouTube?? Cocksuckers.

To whom it may concern: I'm roughly in character – of course I'm not really calling you cocksuckers. Except maybe Andy, as a term of endearment.

on edit the next day:

That's more fucking like it. (Or should it be "That's fucking more like it?" Better not think too hard about this, it'll do my head in.)

Oh look, we've got three new members!


  • Obvs not
Infinity and beyond
« Reply #64 on: September 25, 2022 »
Quote from: qigong chimp
has mudders flounced, or is she merely honing an exceptionally long post?


Belatedly inspired by the vote to canonise me, I climbed a mountain of aubergines I've been saving for a rainy day, all the better to be touched by His Noodly Appendage.

For there has long been a spiritual void in my life that all the downward-facing dog in the world can't fill.

The Flying Spaghetti Monster had set down atop the pile when I got there, as corporeal as you or I/me. Al dente at any rate.

Was this really real or was it a dream fed by last night's pasta alla Norma?

"You built it, I came," he said simply. "I'll grant you three wishes."

Climbing is thirsty work, so first I asked for a cuppa from Russell's Teapot, sipping it whilst he idly played with a Möbius strip.

Next I requested a silk purse from a sow's ear. I've always wanted one, and this might be my only opportunity.

This too was granted. He even threw in some folding money with Charles III on it looking decidedly peevish.

"Better spend it fast before it's completely worthless," said the starchy god, naturally all seeing, all knowing, and apprised of the latest budget fiasco by the Tories.

With a single wish left, I made sure it was a good one:

"I want to be in a Monty Python sketch."

"Done," he said, then he was off, leaving a contrail of marinara and the gift of his Möbius strip as a lei.

So don't worry about me.

I'll be around.

Quote from: The Venerable Bede
It is well: you have said the truth. It is indeed.

« Reply #65 on: September 29, 2022 »
I may have to issue a press release.

This forum and the current state of affairs
jowwy: Pale rider having some more fun and now mudsticks joins in too

Rusty Nails: I suspect someone is pulling YACF’s plonker.

Bromptonaut: Yeah, it reads like a parody account.

Rusty Nails: Difficult to be certain but, other than the too obvious use of short paragraphs, the styles seem to be similar. Unless PR always harboured a secret yen to move from reporting on court cases to the literary pages.

theclaud: ????!!!!!! Haven't we been through all this, a few weeks or so ago?

Rusty Nails: Which bit in particular? The parody account? That was a week ago, a long time on NACA.

And the clocks don't always run on time.

« Reply #66 on: September 30, 2022 »
Voluntary behaviour code?, cont'd
Quote from: Fab Foodie
Quote from: AuroraSaab
I think many posters on here are happy it's a little club that no one wants to join.

I don't detect that at all….

He doesn't detect that at all.

Quote from: winjim
Quote from: matticus
Anyone fancy a pint?

Good idea. Despite all the squabbling there are very few members of this forum I wouldn't want to have a pint with.

I'd have a pint with you.

They won't miss it

We could compare watches.

Synchronised? Synchronised.

The much coveted and not always timely POTD – which isn't actually given every day, to enhance its exclusivity – is awarded after careful consideration of merit and whim. At the risk of diluting the honour, today it pleases me to present it jointly to winjim

News that generates Mixed Feelings
Quote from: winjim
I do feel sorry for the guy with the £130k watch since he obviously couldn't afford the £750k one. It's like when I bought my CdF because I couldn't quite stretch to the Croix de Fer. It's perfectly fine and most people couldn't care less, but the tiny percentage of the population who are mid 2010s Genesis bicycle enthusiasts will know that it's the cheaper model and quite frankly I would be embarrassed to be in their presence.

Fab Foodie

Kwasi economics....
Quote from: F..F.....
Quote from: newfhouse
I'm of immigrant heritage and I won't be moving to work. I may even be thought of as a scumbag. Pleb, definitely. There goes the neighbourhood.

We could found a New Town for the common man, Plebury. Just an ordinary common or garden kind of nowhere. Everyone would know their place. Buildings could be designed in some kind of down-at-heel, semi-derilict vernacular. Jonathan Meades might make a program about it. Everything would be commonplace. There would be a station, nobody would be above it, but we'd all know how to go on.


Racist Politician
Quote from: spen666
People try to control the language used to control the people.

and jowwy, whose trolling of NACA has reached the level of performance art.

Kwasi economics, kont'd
Quote from: jowwy
Quote from: Rusty Nails
It is an improvement obviously, and it will continue to fluctuate, but it is interesting how the choice of axis scales can change the look of a situation.

Oh yes, changing the scale is a good way of making graphs look a lot better

A cynic might suggest I'm rewarding jowwy simply for proving that he can craft a sentence devoid of obscenities, grammatical atrocities, or undiluted goadiness. I can merely confirm that it raised a smile, in part because it sailed so close to a TMN.

Note that the names of the nominees and other information about the nominations cannot revealed for another 50 years. (Thanks for the idea, guys.)

« Reply #67 on: October 01, 2022 »
Voluntary behaviour code?, cunt'd*
shep: Old jowser can barely string a sentence together but he's managed to hold down a job and owns 'multiple properties', what's going on?

cookiemonster: And is multilingual too, so he says.

AndyRM: I suppose the version of English he umses on the forum is almost foreign.

shep: Cunnilingual more like.

That's a bit of a reach.

The Queen / The Monarchy
Quote from: newfhouse
Cannot connect to Twitter. Disable any adblocker and tracking prevention then try again

Well that's what I see. Not to ruin the joke, but it's a digitally manipulated foul mouthed Charles III. If that's too high tech, there's always plain old fashioned lip reading.

Excellent Interview
Quote from: theclaud
Quote from: albion
The early part of the interview was very hard left.

Was it the bit about chatting to the queen about pickles?

I haven't watched the whole thing. Did motorcycles come up?

I agree with Senior Member** theclaud on most things Corbyn, e.g.,
His latest crime under Starmer's insanely authoritarian regime is to be, like thousands of ordinary Labour members, critical of NATO.

Shame he went he/him on us a few years back. Whoa – I just learned that you can link to highlighted text on! Cool. This is my go-to link for anyone wondering why highlighting our pronouns is a pants idea.

Gender ideology (usually a dealbreaker for me, but I'll give clueless Corbyn some leeway here) is the gift that keeps on giving.

Sorry, couldn't resist. Anyway, women are people too.

Quote from: AuroraSaab
I don't think Corbyn is an anti-Semite. He's happy to be closely aligned with those who are though. He's also happy to be on pro-Kremlin news channels like Russia Today.

Careful AS. There are parallels with those fighting what we both think is the good fight against the new men's rights movement, only to find themselves "aligned" with the rabid right because they agree on a few things and are happy to appear on Fox News.

Where's mudsticks?
It's been established that she is not, as erroneously reported upthread, communing with a higher power, but rambling in the land that Brexiters forsook.

Quote from: mudsticks
P.s. they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery etc etc, but that Sam chap is in another league altogether right??

Quote from: Petrichorwheels
who is this Sam?

Just someone who keeps on keeping on.

* As it happens, that particular word doesn't roll off my tongue. I had no choice in the matter.

** Am unsure where this fits in the hierarchy, which also includes Well-Known Member, Active Member (sounds like it means you have a pulse in your, well, pickle), Guru, Veteran, and Regular. I do like Xipe Totec's custom title "Half man, half ant... ALL TERROR!"

« Reply #68 on: October 02, 2022 »
Such a treat to be guest host on my birthday. Namaste.

Excellent Interview, cont'd
Quote from: slowmotion
Sometimes I look at the on-line Guardian just for a dose of outrage.

And I look at NACA looking at The Guardian. It's Guardians all the way down.

Spineless King....
Quote from: F.. F.....
How frickin' spineless is this?

Worthwhile for the reminder that Tuvalu is for lovers.
Quote from: winjim
…something about their emissions.

You mean that's not how the tourist board is selling it? Let's see.

Not to be insensitive, but it looks like that copy going to need a polish before the century is out.

The Queen / The Monarchy
Quote from: AuroraSaab
Any chance of people just not talking about either their own and/or other member's sex lives full stop?

I heartily concur.

Voluntary behaviour code? Now starring Benedict Cumberbatch, memeified and enlisted for the purpose of shaming. "They don’t like you, but they still find the time to watch everything you do" says Benedict, shooting his cuffs. He can't be talking to the AdSense 'bots, they eat this stuff up.

Churchill used to keep a closer eye on me than was strictly necessary.

POTD goes to thankfully still active member fozy tornip, whose fine attention to detail has served him well. I'll let CC's server handle the visual.

Cruella Braverman...
View attachment 2095

Looks idyllic. And chilled. Children playing outside the perimeter. Communal meal being prepared on the one fire. A man entertaining a little girl with some fiddle playing. Someone truing a wheel!

Ripe for gentrification, re-development and social cleansing.

« Reply #69 on: October 04, 2022 »
Namaste, you sexy beast.

Just put me on ignore

Site Moderators
Quote from: BoldenLad
Quote from: classic33
Has the time come for moderators on the site?
Yes or No

I put forward the following three,
AndyRM, cookiemonster & Fab Foodie.

Its a simple Yes or No question. However if you want to nominate someone else, say so.

No; No; No; No.


AndyRM self-IDs as "a bit of a c*nt", which on a site which doesn't allow you to spell the word is more amusing than menacing. He's too easily flattered – a fatal weakness in a mod.

A quick scan of cookiemonster's history doesn't show anything concerning, but he's dropped out of the running. Perhaps it's just as well, as he'd have to report posts to himself, which could be a conflict of interest.

Fab Foodie continues to be afflicted by Trailing Off Ellipses Disease, thought to be incurable.

Finally we have jowwy, self nominated. The Monster Raving Loony Party never wins.

not an official endorsement
He's triggered by almost everything and clearly revels in being deplorable,* yet I do find it hard not to emit what almost sounds like a cheer for him on occasion:

Quote from: jowwy
Im not stirring anything….. i answered the question honestly and have said nothing else

how is that sh*t stirring

did i vote brexit in 2016- yes
im happy were out of the EU - yes
would i vote yes again - yes
has the UK government made a clusterfark of it - yes

am i happy with my decision - yes

so there your answers, no pot stirring, no winding up, just simple honest answers.

as far as why am i here goes, cause clowns like you keep asking me pathetic questions and keep drawing me back into this thread……stop asking questions, i stay out of here.

it really is that simple for me.

Rhymes with cheer:
Quote from: mudsticks
Anyone who voted for brexit, or for the Tories who pushed it through was either unbelievably deluded, or deliberately wanted to harm this country.
bonus spoiler
Quote from: mudsticks
There was plenty of information out there
It's just people couldn't be bothered to find out, and just listened to the lies in the billionaire owned press, and shoot written on buses.

The brexit referendum was a supremely dumb idea, "Ask a stupid question - get a stupid answer" would have been a bad idea anywhere, but especially here, where there's a definite theme of 'revelling' in ignorance.

Along with the xenophobia, and exceptionalism..

Bothering to find out and educate yourself is still seen in many circles as either 'sad' or 'suspicious'.

An idea encouraged by the very populist media, and political class, that benefits from keeping people in a state of ignorant unknowing.


* Unless it really is Tourette's, which obviously I shouldn't be making fun of. I'll just leave this here to not make fun of or draw comparisons to any particular person:

[UK Shameless was better - Ed.]

Ian H's platform is deservedly popular:
Why don't we make it into a parody social media site where everyone responds tetchily to each other, getting annoyed at imagined or actual slights and insinuendo. [I added that last bit - Ed.] Meanwhile one bloke shouts random obscenities and insults from the sidelines whilst insisting that everyone else is being obscene & abusive, and that he's the only sane & sensible voice.

Not sure he's a true connoisseur of parody, but that's not in the job description.

Quote from: matticus
Quote from: F.. F…..
Galileo! Galileo!

I think Boldonlad was trying more for this look:

Well played anyway.

Quote from: David Attenborough
In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight. Or would do, but the jowler monkey has other ideas.


Is it in fact a monkey? Some of the natives speak of a mythical mutant Welsh bear airdropped in the dead of night. Whatever it is, the environment suits it just fine: not too hot and not too cold.

Thanks bro.