Author Topic: Triggering

« Reply #90 on: January 16, 2023 »
You get a sense about people pretty quickly. Freedom of speech doesn't include freedom to bore me to death.

Johnny again

Gender again.
Amusing. Good production values. Nearly lost me at "cisgender" then "kindness and inclusivity"™, but I made it through till near the end when he started talking about his hat.

The NACA Music, Art & General Creativity Thread
Quote from: mudsticks
One happy bunny.

KittyNorah's post on the main site is worth another link.

Quote from: multitool
Quote from: winjim
I just tossed a coin and got five heads in a row.

It might be that your coin has heads on both sides.

Usual coin, usual tossers: heads = misogynist, tails = misogynist. It's not a perfect insult, but it'll do.

on insults
An insult is disrespectful or scornful abuse. Without getting into a big conversation with myself about the definitions of all those words, generally I don't think it's the way to go (and I regret that wj is in the middle of it. I've grown fond of him, which is always a danger.) But you can't kill all your darlings.

Without insults, Brits would be almost completely without banter.
Quote from: winjim
I mean obviously we're about to bore on about opportunities in the music industry and the reasons for having awards for music in the first place and discrimination and influence on the young and role modelling and the position of art in society and all that jazz. It's an interesting cultural discussion but I'm not sure I'm about to gain anything intellectually by shouting about it on this forum. We'll see where it goes.

« Reply #91 on: January 17, 2023 »
This thread does not exist, cheers Jim.
Quote from: shep

Having adopted this thread, today I find myself thinking about punctuated equilibrium. If you're unaware of it, there's no need to Google, I can explain it briefly here.

Punctuated equilibrium means that a post will be fine, whatever the content, if punctuated properly. Apply (or forget) the wrong comma, apostrophe, full stop, whatever – and it's all wrong, even if you can still understand what was being said. This is as opposed to phyletic gradualism. The following graphic should make it all clear.

« Reply #92 on: January 18, 2023 »
This thread [still] does not exist
I've had a gander at jowwy's list and can confirm that I call my wife "wench" on occasion. Usually when I'm riding by Bodiam Castle. It brings out the medieval in me.

Gender again
Quote from: Unkraut
There appears to be indifference to possible actual harm that could be done to women if transwomen are given free access to otherwise women only spaces.

I see you've met multitool.

Quote from: multitool
Could it possibly be that far from there being indifference to possible harms to women, these MSPs spent a considerable portion of the six years considering it, in minute detail and with the benefit of counter-arguments to consider, and concluded that the 'possible harms' from the Bill were not, in fact, realistic harms. After all, they had the experience of 30+ other countries, some with a decade of self ID with which to inform them.

Sounds impressive, but I think he's dreaming. We'd both have to scour the records to prove our point. Meanwhile…

Quote from: nepeta
…one of those countries is Pakistan, with over 230 million people, and it's extremely unlikely that Pakistan would collect careful statistics on how self-id has affected sexual assaults against women. Several other countries with self-id are not complete feminist paradises (Malta (where abortion is illegal), several South and Central American countries), and as far as I can tell Ireland chose not to collect any statistical information on the possible impact of the self-id law so the information does not exist. It looks like Belgium, also, is either not gathering the data or not publishing it.

So we don't really know what the impact might be. But some of it will come from the fact that when facilities become mixed sex it is harder to raise alarm as male people would have an excuse for being in women's single-sex facilities and, in some countries, a woman complaining about that could be fined (I think Norway can do this). I think the impact would be a diffuse one, perhaps causing some women to self-exclude from various activities, and for other women to re-calibrate their ideas about what spaces are safe and when.

Mea culpa: I may be responsible for bringing NACA to his attention, via the unpleasantness at the Cycling UK forum. If so, it's all part of my master plan.

Jowwy again
color commentary
Quote from: jowwy to shep
Stupid little prick….i bet that was you last night making the sex noises on the bbc as you was sucking off the old codgers at the back of the stands.

All together now: GET A ROOM.

As my wife said when I showed her that (we share a lot), women don't talk like this. Yes, I'm sure anyone desperate to show women in an equally bad light can find examples.
I personally find what some other members say more appalling than whatever comes out of j's mouth, though granted, don’t opt for a spoiler in those cases.

« Reply #93 on: January 19, 2023 »
Quote from: multitool
fOlLoW tHe mONeY


Quote from: AuroraSaab
rent free
Quote from: winjim
Rent free, indeed.

The cast of CC/NACA has spent significant time rent free in my head; this board with over a hundred posts, going back almost two years, would make it difficult to deny.

Multitool's latest shows us that a certain blonde bombshell appears to be a permanent resident in his.

" politics is just new age misogyny."

There are entire porn channels devoted to women with balls. Keep at it, you're making more converts than you know.

Quote from: Sally Cinnamon (great name)
I wonder how many of the audience actually understand that Ricky is repeating exactly what's being said to women on twitter. SNAP

As for the Ricky Gervais video, it's funny 'cause it's funny. Do I need to haul this out again?
Quote from: apocryphal Atwood
Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.

Quote from: multitool
For the ignorant and the bigoted: [BBC Thought for the Day]

While we wait for Unkraut,
Quote from: AuroraSaab
It's not tolerance that you are demanding though, it's capitulation.

No women had an issue being tolerant until it involved the wholesale undermining of women's rights and language.

Trying to frame women's rights as bigoted simply won't wash either.

My master plan, mentioned in the previous post? Clearly it's to have installed multitool as holder for AS.

Quote from: multitool
I've actually got you on ignore. Occasionally I click the "reveal hidden posts" button at the bottom of the page, and there you are. Every single time. Rent free.

Most unconvincing diss ever.

Quote from: Unkraut
Deal with the wrong thinking

It's taking longer than I thought. [pace Uncle Cecil]

Quote from: mudsticks to AS
I'm probs a bit more live and let live in most circumstances

Not sure what this means, other than she wants it known that she's kind

no matter the cost.

« Reply #94 on: January 20, 2023 »
Now he's handing out flyers. I see that one's from the Cambridge University Students' Union, who are so afeared of biology and the concept of females they cage them in quotes.

Not on Netflix

Here's the full version for your edification, dear reader. And here's a .pdf for those who have graduated into adulthood.

At the risk of offending those who have difficulty walking, his closing remarks, if indeed he's flouncing the thread {save for reactions}, are particularly lame.

Still not old

Even if I could put him on ignore I wouldn't, as he's too entertaining. It is likely I'll continue to quickly scroll past

on other threads, but I know better than to issue a press release that it's the last you'll see of him on these pages.

« Reply #95 on: January 20, 2023 »
I feel a little like a Kremlinologist. Best to assume nobody's going anywhere until the very last thumbs up triggers the apocalypse.

Quote from: Ian H
Quote from: AuroraSaab
Do you think saying sex is binary and immutable is disparaging, dehumanising, or hateful?

If it's said sufficiently stridently & aggressively, then yes.

Ian for Labour MP.

AuroraSaab for the Nobel Patience Prize.

Bromptonaut for the Jowwy Award.

The what award?
I personally find what some other members say more appalling than whatever comes out of j's mouth

It was actually a photo finish between him and Ian – the judges were particularly impressed by "stridently".

Quote from: winjim
you guys literally had this exact same discussion [about an opinion piece in Scientific American] about two weeks ago.

I noticed that too. Here's a video for the children to watch (I'm guessing AS is a teacher):

Quote from: classic33
I've a disability, but this thread has many similar themes running through it. It's the fear of the unknown, it shows through every time this subject comes up.

It's fear of the known: male assault. Transwomen are men, and offend at the same rate as men. (Actually...) Women shouldn't have to be fighting to keep their sex-based rights. All this has been said before and will be said again, because enough people, especially men on the left blinded by their fear that the right might be right about something, still don't get it.

Quote from: theclaud

Don't encourage him

I want to leave this thread now, but probably won't. My current compromise is to quietly add to this post, the date stamped on top and lack of an edit line a pretence that I haven't been back. Do you think that'll fool anyone?

Quote from: Unkraut

Post of the day.

AuroraSaab is a bloody saint for keeping at it – add canonization to her CV. She's the straight man to the joker.

I'm struck by multitool's inability to disengage from this topic. We're alike that way. Does he have a very personal stake in this,* or is he simply a misogynist, turbocharged by perceived misandrist slights?
*on edit: one could be forgiven for thinking it's kinda looking that way.
We're on opposite sides of reality – which is my stake in this. He can comfortably lie all day long.

The increasingly naked disdain of women out in real life (if parliament counts) is becoming ever more alarming. Too many either aren't paying attention, can't see it, or don't care. Add to that the gobsmacking science illiteracy, and it's more than a little depressing.


Doubtless I'd be flattering myself to think I have anything to do with tool's changing avatars. The latest is a Mandrill, an old world monkey. Looks like a baboon, but much more sophisticated.

Quote from: mudsticks
I'm not liking the look at the 'extremists' at either end of this 'debate'

Bothsidesism. A condition which ironically affects those who are viewing the debate with at least one eye closed.

Quote from: multitool
I'd pause for thought about my contribution to the 'othering' of minority groups

"Othering" is worth exploring. AS goes the 3rd spaces route here, which I think is a mistake. It certainly won't placate trans identifying men, which she knows. The only thing that will work* is men accepting non gender conforming men in their spaces, and men who think they're women ceasing from trying to bend reality around their needs. Basically, men need to man up all around.

* Old school transsexuals mostly got a pass, but it’s all gone Pete Tong, hasn’t it.

Quote from: multitool
Look, take the last word.



Quote from: Bromptonaut
My starting point is that Transwomen should be treated as women.

Any increase in risk to those born female which that poses needs to be managed and mitigated.

Have another Jowwy Award. I think someone at Mumsnet put it best, though she'd have Ian quaking at the stridency:
Quote from: DarkDayforMN
protecting one woman from rape is more important than validating the genderfeelings of all the transwomen in the entire fucking world.

Goddam videos keep going private on me. This is what I get for taking the road less travelled.

Quote from: theclaud
[More catnip to multitool. Pic of Keen looking almost unrecognisable if you've only seen her in "drag", along with husband, who probably should've been cropped out, but let's make this as personal as possible.]
something else to click
He's never missed an opportunity to latch onto theclaud. I get it: I only wish she were on our side (alas, there are sides). Honestly, we have far less and fewer odious comrades.

If you don't compartmentalise, you're doomed.
Outing Keen as a performer is meant to make us doubt her authenticity, and thus, look askance [because you can't listen askance - Ed.] at her message. Which is what again?

Quote from: Helleofabore
The distraction is so clear. Look over here is evil!!! Evil, I tell you!

No… don’t listen to her. Don’t listen to her saying that children and teens are on irreversible medical treatments because they express they feel like the opposite sex. Don’t look at the paucity of evidence that affirming only treatment and those drugs and surgeries are the best treatments.

Don’t look at the rapidly growing evidence of females of any gender being raped, impregnated and abused in prisons because some males want to be housed in female prisons.

Don’t look at women’s sports and the facts that even the IOC has declared that inclusion should be prioritised over fairness- the IOC!! How much do they hate women and girls!

Don’t look at the women begging for female single sex spaces being ignored and abused. No! No! Don’t look at the Rape Crisis Centres vilifying women for asking for just one group to be female only out of a ‘women’s’ group, an LGBTQ + group and a men’s group!

Don’t look at the rapes occurring in NHS hospital wards!

Don’t look at what happens in sexist sectors when sex segregation is removed for rewarding performance! I mean, who the fuck ever thought the entertainment industry would be sexist? Really?

No! no!

Holocaust denial!

Right wing listening to words!

Sparple! Sparple! Sparple!

That's from a KJK appreciation thread over at the coven.

Hellofabore was responding to EastLondonObserver, who reminds me of multiflounce.

Quote from: OneMorePlant
have you thought about being kind

I'm a bit late but would like all the men to know that being kind is over, it's dead, it's been cremated and never coming back.

It's Hells Fury o'clock.

More highlights:

Quote from: BearingFalseWitness
All I can say about KJK is she gives me courage and motivates me to not be sacred and to get off the couch to do something IRL to show my opposition to Gender Ideology and how dangerous it is to women and children. How the TRAs are getting away with all this insanity is by intimidating and frightening people, especially women. The majority disagree with them but people don’t speak up at work and in public because of how they believe they will be persecuted and socially ostracized. This is demonstrated when KJK and other women go outside to give their views in public (about anything) and the opposition is an angry threatening crowd, with many men willing to cover their faces and physically attack women.

I have no time for anyone that criticizes KJK while not first denouncing this aggressive and intimidating behavior and asking all demonstrators in opposition to her to show their faces and refrain from wearing Black Bloc. There is literally no comparison to men publically intimating and physically attacking women and women speaking.

Quote from: bellinisurge
If we spend all our time waiting for the perfect voice, we'll never hear one. Glinner and Posie Parker have their faults but who the fuck else was sticking their neck out on this.

If we don't all scream at the top of our voices, we will get drowned in a vomit-wave of Be Kind/Tiny Minority/Just Want To Pee.

Quote from: PomegranateOfPersephone
I love listening to KJK. It is just such a relief to hear her speak. I feel like I can breathe again when I hear her thanks to her honest language and the moral code she presents of dialogue with all parties, avoiding purity spirals, genuinely caring about and listening to ordinary women, an unwavering dedication to protecting children.

The language of gender identity and queer theory is so suffocating and silencing. KJK brushes it all away and brings fresh air back.

Quote from: beastlyslumber
I love the fact that she scares the shit out of everyone by doing nothing except telling the truth and calling things by their names. She's a tactical genius and I'm bloody grateful she's on the side of women and children.

Here's some honesty: that face needs to grow into that voice.


Quote from: Rusty Nails
It is a debate about very complicated issues, which I accept I also do not know a great deal about

The usual escape clause. Disappointing.

Quote from: winjim
Why do you think I've essentially given up contributing? You can't make jokes, you can't even admit you don't have all the answers, you can't even try to keep the discussion relevant to a limited and specific aspect of the situation without having your words twisted, opinions ascribed to you that you don't hold, having your own sex flamed, your arguments diverted into meaningless whataboutery. There's no point.

A lot of unevidenced claims there without a forensic accounting. Consider starting a blog and talking to yourself. It's therapeutic.

Quote from: theclaud
@winjim uses the discussion process to interrogate and develop his thoughts on the matter, rather than steamrollering through the thread with a set of granitic certainties and getting defensive at every minor challenge thereto.

For "develop", I read embed (in part, judging by his reactions); for "steamroller", defend (and "defensive", simple rebuttal); "granitic certainties", 2+2=4.

As for jokes,
Quote from: bellatrixbells, pellucidar
How many terfs does it take to change a lightbulb?

None. It will always be a lightbulb.

« Reply #96 on: January 24, 2023 »

Re: Click
« Reply #97 on: February 05, 2023 »

Leaving hasn't been as hard as I thought it would be.* I honestly don't feel the need to see if Multitool has changed his avatar again,** or if Bromptonaut has earned himself a third Jowwy Award, or if Nicola Sturgeon suggesting there are three sexes – male, female, and rapist – peaked anybody.

* It's been harder settling on a final post. This isn't it either.

** Nothing wrong with that, but I was running out of room

The net doesn't forget
« Reply #98 on: February 15, 2023 »
Quote from: JustSpeculation, tongue-in-cheek at Mumsnet
…The excessive use of reason is offensive.

Read that and thought of this.
Quote from: Ian H, seriously
Quote from: AuroraSaab
Do you think saying sex is binary and immutable is disparaging, dehumanising, or hateful?

If it's said sufficiently stridently & aggressively, then yes.

While watching the recent Let Women Speak event in Glasgow, I amused myself imagining him taking refuge in Forbidden Planet.

« Reply #99 on: February 18, 2023 »
Kinesis titanium frame, it was great while it lasted!
Quote from: ColinJ
Quote from: wafter
That's unfortunate, if not surprising. I'd be mentioning the words "unfit for purpose" and "Trading Standards" soon..

And the fact that you have an ENORMOUS following among cyclists on social media and feel like adding a signature line to your posts, saying "Kinesis think it is acceptable for their £2,000 frames to fail in less than 5 years with only 11,000 miles ridden"

. . .

Still haven't been back to NACA, but visiting the mothership may be a distinction without a difference. Am I cracking? AM I HELL.