Author Topic: Triggering

« Reply #110 on: April 17, 2023 »
Quote from: someone on reddit <shudder>
It's pretty much the proxy for a large set of ideological battles and if you engage on any one of them you end up mired in trans stuff.

. . .

Gender again.
What a piece of work is monkers. Even managed to end on Brexit in a long non-answer, the reasonable question being "What human rights do trans people not have?"

As if cleaving unto LGB wasn't enough, now we have the cleaving unto Remain. Way to keep hammering home that this ideology cannot stand on its own two feet.

Quote from: monkers
I've said that free speech is the right to speak, but not the right to demand that university students be made to listen.
Quote from: monkers
Be careful what you wish for.

Includes dinosaurs for David!

Anything other than Monkersworld please. Who wants to live in in such a hellscape? We've already had our share of coming attractions.

What rights do transpeople believe they do not have?
Quote from: JacquelinePot
As Helen Joyce says, the anti-reality position is not one that people reason themselves into, so it's not one that they can be reasoned out of.

« Reply #111 on: April 18, 2023 »
Quote from: monkers
Let men in women's spaces.

Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces.

Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces.

Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces.  In women's spaces let men.

Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces.Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces.

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Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces. Let men in women's spaces.

« Reply #112 on: April 19, 2023 »
Gender again.
Quote from: AuroraSaab
It's handy how CC lets you doctor quotes, isn't it?

Ha! Beat her to it.

The quote facility on the Mumsnet feminism board, where one presumes AS got her chops, doesn't allow editing. As irksome as that can be when you want to go point by point, or just cut the fat, it's probably better to have it that way to help force the inclusion (alas a word that has been almost entirely wrecked) of context, which is more important in actual debate than it is here in my gaff.

Quote from: newfhouse
Quote from: AuroraSaab
genuine dysphoria

Who decides if it is “genuine”, and on what evidence?

It's so cute to watch newfhouse play with the building blocks of self-ID.

Quote from: brokenrecord33
[armchair psychiatrist]

Whatever it is classic33 wants out of this discussion, experience should tell AS that a respectful hearing won't be reciprocated.

Quote from: AuroraSaab
Quote from: classic33
Women aren't the danger, only men.


We all had that on our card.

Quote from: monkers
I haven't mentioned 'Stonewall Law'. That's because it doesn't even exist - just another invention.

Can it be the use of tongs is really a mystery to the sexagenarian 'lesbian'?

What's up dox
As I said earlier, who knows what's what anymore. Part of me thinks this person is way too invested, and wrong, to be anything other than a man who thinks he's a lesbian. On the other hand, I have a fun little theory that monkers is – drumroll please – TinyMyNewt. (Confidence is low.) Happy to show my workings in the highly unlikely event anybody asks.

on edit:
He (I've been avoiding pronouns, but yeah I'm going to go ahead

and say he, even though there are plenty of handmaidens around) reminds me of Steph over at Yacf. That could just be the logorrhoea. I haven't done a textual analysis and am not going to.

on further edit:
You know what would be impressive? If monkers was also multitool, a sort of good sockpuppet / bad sockpuppet routine. But this is just crazytalk, eh? The gracious thing to do is accept that monkers really does have a niece who mean people like me would call a nephew, and is just a very very involved uncle. I mean aunt.

Quote from: monkers
there are a good number of geneticists who disagree that sex in humans is binary

See Age of unenlightenment.

Quote from: monkers
An exchange between one honest actor posting in good faith and one dishonest actor acting in bad faith is not a discussion.

It ain't worth it.

Monkers uses enough words that make sense to provide cover for the ones that don't. And those are the important ones. If you've ever seen Ozark (probably not, but I'll continue), it's a little like money laundering.

Quote from: multitool
I can't remember the specifics of an interminable debate with you, who lies, dissemble, distorts at every turn. Pretty obvious I am more in touch with women's views than you are, which is to be expected of a zealot.

He has to be trolling, right? Right??? Like that male weight lifter who is registering as a woman in a competition just to make a point how ridiculous it's gotten?

Quote from: monkers, with a little help
I think Winston is deliberately unkind in his choice of words - no wonder the trans [activist] community consider him a transphobe.

Speaking of ridiculous.

Quote from: Mr Celine
As a female cyclist you're probably more at risk of harm from Robert Winston than you are from trans women.

Looks to be the other way around. (Incidentally, number plates for bicycles are barmy.) As for 'female' cyclists, check out this who's who:

As long as I'm doling out links, here's another. It's not hot off the press or anything, but worth posting as I know a certain someone has a crush on the fabulous and confirmed lesbian Kathleen Stock:

The problem with ‘trans women are women’
Whatever the source of the public’s confusion, it’s a testament to the dogged persistence of the LGBT+ lobbying sector that there is meaningful disagreement about the matter at all. For however you look at the polling, it still suggests that a significant proportion of the general population now think adult human males can change their sex by some kind of behavioural process — whether that’s a medical, legal, or merely sartorial one, or even just muttering “I’m a woman now” to your lawyer as the prospect of a male prison looms.

This bizarre epistemic situation did not arise on its own. Lamentable as the national standard of secondary school biology probably is, it still seems unlikely that many of us have mixed up human beings with sequential hermaphrodites.

[insert joke about clownfish lawyers]

Quote from: bonus monkers
Oh shut the fark up you stupid windbag. You really are too much.

Finally for now, imagine the thread without AuroraSaab. Go ahead and try. I'll wait.

« Reply #113 on: April 22, 2023 »
Quote from: newfhouse
The more I listen to a variety of voices on this matter, the more I become convinced that the most happiness and contentment in the world will come from tolerance, acceptance, welcoming even,bonus link rather than a hard line based upon a configuration of chromosomes...

Zealous repetition of the same points in a practiced politician-like way pushes me back towards a more nuanced centre ground. But, as I’ve said before, I’m still learning and open to persuasion.

Judging by newfhouse's contributions and reactions, I'd question the variety of voices his ears are open to.

I reckon most of us are fans of the golden rule, endeavouring to be tolerant and accepting. I'll come back to that. First,

Quote from: the queen of calm to monkers
in respect of your debating techniques:

a welcome lapse into humour from Aurora. Captioning museum artefacts is a woefully underrated means of communication.

Typical Trans rights activist

Quote from: AuroraSaab to multitool
Perhaps you could similarly reflect on whether your persistent personal abuse, evident on this and other threads, has enhanced NACA or discouraged people from posting.

Some, like the OP, revel in the cut and thrust and spurting blood so much that they hardly seem to take notice of the extreme incivility of multitool, monkers, and to a lesser extent classic33 and others. I wouldn't mind so much myself if these people weren't so mind-numbingly boring about it. Though they do come up with some howlers.

My fear is that the public will start tending to think that all women are devoid of critical thinking skills.
the message left at my niece's house when it was vandalised, and in the biggest letters read 'Rowlings Rulz'.
What people will always get from me is the truth.
What some women are asking for now are more rights, not equal rights, extra rights.
Still it has been an entertainment, rather than an education.
(Actually it's both, depending on your tolerance for entertainment)
To be fair, boredom is a charge that can be made against AS, forced as she is into repetition by her Goebbels-inspired detractors. (For that matter I regret my own repetition. You try talking to yourself.)

no no no

yes yes yes

This is apropros:
Quote from: NecessaryScene @Mumsnet
On any political topic, the vast majority of the population aren't even vaguely aware of it.

I don't recall who said this, but there's a general rule here - if you're involved or interested in a topic, then by the time you're absolutely sick of hearing it and think there's nothing more to say, and it's being flogged to death in the media - that's about the point the median citizen will first notice it and say "what's all this about then?"

Stuff like JK Rowling tweeting about Alex Drummond yesterday, which in turn got it into the Daily Mail today. For a huge number of people, that will be their very first concept of the idea of a "beardy lesbian".

We have to keep hammering away at this, over and over and over, just to raise consciousness. Which means people like Posie going onto platforms like Carlsons with huge numbers of "normie" viewers who do not spend their lives on Twitter in the middle of GC vs TRA bunfights.

And this:
Quote from: Sarah Phillimore
I can’t recall any great campaigns that were won by squeaking mice

Now, I'm aware that "hammering away just to raise consciousness" will raise some eyebrows; if it's so obviously a problem, would consciousness raising even be, well, necessary? I guess it depends if you believe, as does theclaud, that we're just high on our own supply of Twitter outrage – abundant kindling on NACA for pretty much every topic, btw.

I practically ruined a keyboard when I came across the following, which granted was posted back before it became clear beyond a shadow of a doubt that my casting choice for monkers was inspired, if I do say so myself:

Quote from: theclaud
I respect Monkers' intention to offer a counterweight to fear and panic

People want to root for the underdog, and that's what trans identifying people are perceived to be, particularly with [please don't say 'wokeness' - Ed.] performative empathy turned up to 11. Given the amount of social power they now have (a famous mangirl even has the ear of the president of the United States, which is more than can be said of us GC folk), I find this ludicrous, which brings us back to newfhouse's "variety of voices".

As you'll know if you've done any amount of clicking in my proudly misnomered Free For All, Mumsnet is my first port of call on these issues, which seems fair enough given that it's largely populated by those most affected by trans ideology: women. Ovarit, the Posie Parker to Mumsnet's JK Rowling, is my second. Beyond that I follow links which lead to predictable places, as rational voices are mostly stuck on a limited number of platforms (Ovarit for example was created after reddit started silencing gender critical voices wholesale). "Echo chambers!" I hear you cry, but wait, there's more.

I also click on plenty of pro-trans links. God knows how many brain cells I've lost reading Pink News, Katy Montgomerie, Clare Flourish, Shon Faye, Alejandra Caraballo, Jolyon Maugham, Susie Green, India Willoughby, Stonewall, Chase Strangio, Evan Urquhart, Veronica Ivy, Laurie Penny, Judith Butler [Snopes - "mostly false"], Witchfinder General Owen Jones, Labour [helpfully curated], and anyone else who shows up on my radar, set to pick up all and sundry.

Quote from: newfhouse
It doesn't take elite search skills to find women that think trans people should be put to death just for existing, never mind freely associate or organise.

I'd take up the newfhouse challenge, but there's no need. You can find anything on the internet shocker.

Quote from: newfhouse
I found this TED talk powerful, thought provoking, and moving.

Us gender criticals aren't the box people. We just aren't so disparaging of universal truths like the unnuanced sum of 2+2.

The main problem with your newfhouses is that it don't take much more for them to be triggered than the equivalent of a speech from a contestant for a beauty contest. Yes, we all want peace in the world, and goodwill to men and women. But you see, some of us hear things like

Quote from: Emily Quinn
if there are infinite ways for our bodies to look, for minds to think, personalities to act, wouldn't it make sense that there's that much variety in biological sex too?

and know it doesn't follow that sex is a spectrum, as claimed. Like it or not THIS MATTERS, as any true exercise in empathy will inform you. Here I'd link to Robert Winston (again), that old white guy that Ian H doesn't take seriously, or the brilliant Emma Hilton, but I don't want to add to your tabs. (Oh fuck it.) Intersex conditions don't even belong in this conversation, not because we aren't tolerant, but because they should not be co-opted as a gender identity. More reading. A lot more...

Quote from: Differently Normal
When intersex is mentioned on social media, the information is frequently inaccurate and the different bodies of children and young people are described as being ‘neither male or female’ or as third, fourth, fifth or even sixth sexes – and frequent memes are produced that use our bodies, as a way to validate diverse gender identities.  Whilst mis-gendering is considered profoundly offensive, the same respect is not given to people with DSD.

Until my messianic leader status is ratified I can't force anybody to recognise that Kathleen Stock, Helen Joyce, Eliza Mondegreen, and a host of other guiding lights, are sane, whereas monkers is a briar patch personified and multitool a troll's troll.

Misspecies much?

If AuroraSaab disappeared, ironically so would much of the vitriol, but even more of the uncomfortable truth. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

More tabs:
- Someone Is Wrong On The Internet: Integrity, Debate and Below The Line
- Terminally online
- Signs you may be a woman
- Don't get stung
- Be kind
- Repent, motherfucker
- #CanWeHaveAWord?

« Reply #114 on: April 23, 2023 »

Quote from: AuroraSaab to you know who
That's an extremely long winded way of avoiding the question.
Get a room (or a ring)
Quote from: monkers
If brains were actually gunpowder you'd even fail to manage to blow your own hat off.

How many times has monkers called AS an idiot, then AS monkers rude? It’s almost starting to sound affable to me now. Like two tired folks holding each other up, slow dancing in a dusty ballroom.

"Touch me with your glove"

Help, I'm trapped in the thread. Perhaps I should try to break out.

The NACA Music, Art & General Creativity Thread
Quote from: mudsticks+
Enough ribaldry at the 'hands' of others...
I grew some very beautiful radishes

Page 3 radish

Twitter under Musk
Quote from: winjim
Chaos abounds.

[Embedded tweets by the Witchfinder General, James O'Brien (keeper from that link: 'You only gave me the shirt off your back. I wanted the skin'), and Dara Ó Briain, who is cursed with an unspellable name.]

When were you last inspired by a British politician?
Quote from: mudsticks
In no particular order
Mhairi Black, Caroline Lucas, Nicola Sturgeon, Diane Abott, Molly Scott Cato, Stella Creasy, Jeremy Corbyn

We (almost) meet again

Sturgeon resigns
Quote from: multitool
There is a lot going on here.

Man of a thousand faces, is that you?

F*ck the Tories: a Thread Dedicated to Suella Braverman
Quote from: Salty seadog
Just heard the best description of our beloved home secretary ever.
'You vacuous, disingenuous, fact avoiding slurry truck of a woman'

[Googled quote > Scrolled down Lorna's feed > All roads end here]

Climate Crisis: Are we doing enough? and What is the point of prison?
Quote from: newfhouse
He and three others had been on trial for causing a public nuisance by blocking a busy junction in the City of London on 25 October 2021 as part of the Insulate Britain climate campaign.
icowden: In other news, this looks like good use of taxpayers money (not): Insulate Britain protesters jailed for defying road blockade ban

AuroraSaab: It might seem harsh when you look at what people get for violence, but I'd say those are clearly deterrent sentences.

theclaud: This you?

Just dropping this here. Blame some algorithm in my brain.

War with Russia
Quote from: AndyRM
You could give Jonathan Daly's comparative history a go.

[Oops, wrong Jon Daly]

The Queen / The Monarchy
Quote from: AuroraSaab
Quote from: fozy tornip
Where do we all stand on flan-only spaces?

Not a problem because pastry is on a spectrum.

Normal Island
Quote from: matticus
Bloody culture wars - is nothing safe?

People often wonder why I still go to CycleChat. (By "people" is meant voices in my head. By "often" is meant once, last week, a voice not in my head for a change, on Facebook. By "CycleChat" is meant "Total waste of time" - his words, not mine, though they might play upon my lips with my dying breath, the loved ones surrounding me unsure if I meant Facebook or CC.)

When you're spurned you can go one of two ways: take the hint, realise you weren't meant for each other, and move on; or write a very long love letter and never post it. Obviously I went the third way.

PS. Don't forget to vote. It was neck and neck when last I did check.

Note to self in case this bloody video disappears: The Shining, Jack's manuscript. Which is farther than I've gotten so far.

« Reply #115 on: April 27, 2023 »
Gender again
Quote from: multitool
Just standing up for women's rights

Just humping the thread again. After 3 days without action, the tension must have been unbearable.

« Reply #116 on: April 30, 2023 »
Gender again
Quote from: theclaud
There's a mahoosive moral panic afoot.

If I'm reading her right, she's concerned about a moral panic.

Quote from: AndyRM to AuroraSaab
Transwomen aren't men.

Monkers would like a word about that word.

Quote from: still Andy
Your constant misgendering shows a total lack of respect

Quote from: icowden to multitool
@monkers and I may have differing opinions but I think that we debate each other respectfully. You, on the other hand, are just rude and unpleasant. Perhaps you should consider how to win us over.

Do you really want to be won over by the resident Don Logan?

Quote from: AuroraSaab
The aim isn't to win people over. The aim is to shut down debate.

Quote from: multitool
I critique Aurora's views, but also her tactics which are fundamentally dishonest. So does Monkers, in far more robust terms than I, icow. Is that misogyny on her part too?

So a neverending fount of stierscheiße actually comes out with something halfway true (it can happen). Oh, icowden. First you get taken in by Logorrhoea, now this. As Dame Katy would say: do better.

Quote from: icowden
There are also odd and unfair parallels being drawn between trans women and drag queens which would appear to be imported manufactured outrage from the very Conservative US of A.

Somewhere along the line drag queens became integral to children's literacy.

Just when I think I've seen it all:
Quote from: monkers to AS
I've had enough of you insulting my family. When I said 'fark off' that wasn't a heat of the moment thing. I think your heart is cold - just like a fascist.

Anything else, Google?

That gives me an idea…

Yeah, I got the clutching part wrong - too literal. And I appear to have some razor burn.

Quote from: the underrated bobzmyunkle
I can't see any problem if women would only compromise, says a bloke.
Quote from: multitool (thanks for the assist!)
^ This is the nub of it.

Climate Crisis: Are we doing enough?
Quote from: winjim
We are a manifestation of the universe experiencing itself and nothing actually matters unless and until we decide it does.

Does that mean I can stop shaving?

« Reply #117 on: May 02, 2023 »
Hello - I'm back
Quote from: Julesh
Gotta love a good forum schism.

I became an ACF unperson back in '08

I don't normally haunt New Member Introductions, but bobzmyunkle caught my eye one post back, so I dropped into the mothership to do a background check.

Quote from: bobzmyunkle
Quote from: craigwend
We don't talk about the other place…

First rule of the other place is…


Gender again
Quote from: AuroraSaab
for those who haven't already lost the will to live.

64 posts to celebrate bank holiday Monday Multitool, first and last to make his mark on the thread yesterday. World's worst bookends. Though it must be said I do like a good [counts] 5 syllable word.

Quote from: multitool
I foolishly thought she was an honest interlocutor.

Quote from: AuroraSaab to monkers
For what it's worth, I believe very little of what you post on here, whether it's personal anecdotes, essays on flaccid penises, or your wishful thinking on UK law.

It's worth a huzzah. Oh, and I can relate – see my 'what's up dox' spoiler upthread.

A particular highlight was Julia9054 ruining a good point about the amorality of companies by taking care to use the approved pronouns for Dylan Mulvaney, apparently unaware of how silly it sounds and is. Only those with one foot in the grave would dare complain.

Classic33, mortified in aspic, outdid himself.
The one thing you could get correct though is the acronym for the site name. It's been News, Current Affairs & Politics (NCA&P) since it was started.

That's some 3rd class bitching right there.

Mudsticks also popped in to update us on her status.

(Just joshin', muddy.)

I would welcome contributions from a rational transgender person. Someone likeable and funny, while we're at it: they must exist. Instead what we're stuck with on CCNCA&P and Yacf and Cycling UK are vicious, deluded TRAs, and a chorus of fools.

If you're not any of those, listen up: Trans makes people stupid. Even very smart people. It's that powerful. It's gonna make a dent.

Read Flowers for Algernon. "But that had nothing to do with this," you'll say. No, not exactly. But Charlie's anguish will give an idea of what you can eventually expect.

Simply scanning Katy Montgomerie or India Willoughby on Twitter will lower your IQ tweet by tweet, never mind a session of Dylan.

To be clear, my ire isn't directed at people who have dysphoria and just want to live their lives in some kind of peace. It's reserved for those who parrot the nonsensical talking points and mantras, think they're being kind but aren't thinking it through, and have chosen to hitch a ride to the right side of history – except it's the wrong side. The Idiocracy side.

Quote from: monkers
All one needs to say is 'trans women' then we know as much as we need to know.

(At this point I tuned out for about a week.)

Picking up where we left off with monkers, take it away, Julia:

As feminists we understand the importance of resisting patriarchal language. And we understand that language can either illuminate a subject, or it can obscure the reality of it. And I think the way in which we illuminate the subject is to use very clear, direct language which names the reality that we perceive.
Through language we now have a whole set of nonsense concepts that have achieved the state of reality. For example, trans woman, trans man, non-binary, 'the transgender child', or 'transgender rights'.  So all of this language is becoming increasingly normalised. Transphobia, of course is another one. And so, I think, as women who are experiencing this attack, we need to be very very clear about the language that we use. Because if we speak the language of transgenderism, what we do is to reinforce these concepts even if we are critical of them.

[some repetition ahead!]

If I join a debate that is framed as a debate about transgender rights, if I don't challenge that concept in a fundamental way right at the beginning, my participation in that debate suggests that I endorse that notion of transgenderism and transgender rights.

And that's something that I see in the United Kingdom, where they have a very active, mobilised movement of women in different groups challenging transgender ideology, but I think it remains a very serious problem that many of those groups continue to speak the language of transgenderism, and therefore actually perpetuate the very ideology that they're trying to challenge. So I see spokewoman for some groups in the UK beginning, if they're on a tv or radio interview, before they say anything about women's rights, they say "We support transgender rights, and we are not transphobic," therefore endorsing and supporting the very concept that we should be challenging…

So I'll give an example. If I'm involved in a discussion, I could refer to the same individual in one of two ways. I could refer to this individual, for example, as a 'trans woman'. I could use that term that a lot of people are using. If I use this term 'trans woman,' I am saying that that individual is a type of woman. There's an adjective that comes before, so that adjective is suggesting that that woman is part of the subgroup of woman, but who has something particular about their identity. So as we may say, for example, a black woman, or an old woman, or a lesbian woman, that there is this individual as a woman, that there is an aspect of their identity or group of women that they belong to. So obviously, if I'm going to use that language, it's very very difficult then for me to suggest any resistance against what that trans woman wants to do as a woman, because I'm already supporting the notion that this person is a woman.

But this is why I think we need to use very simple but very clear language that names men as men, which is always a central part of feminist understanding. That we see where the men are and what they are doing in the world, and who they are doing it to. So I could refer to that same individual as a man who demands that we pretend that he is a woman.

I think that is a far more precise way of stating who that individual is, what his behaviour is, and what is his impact on woman. Because what that reveals, if we say, a man who demands that we pretend he is a woman, what that reveals is one, male entitlement. He has a sense of self that he believes is entitled to dictate how I speak. It reveals male force and coercion, because behind this word demands, is the force, that if we don't comply with that demand, there could be very serious consequences for us. It reveals psychological abuse, because he is demanding that we pretend something is true when it isn't true.

So it reveals that abuse, it reveals a level of violence from that force behind the word demand, and it reveals the male will to violate women's boundaries, because he's pretending he's a woman and he wants us to pretend he's a woman so that he can access our spaces, our communities. So that's why I think it's really crucial that we name what is happening in a very clear and direct way. Because otherwise all the things that we understand to be features of the patriarchy, male entitlement, male aggression, male violence, is masked, is obscured by the transgender vocabulary.

It's safe to say Julia would be given short shrift at NACA. Has the tenor of the debate improved, I wonder?

icowden to multitool: Piss off moron. Come back to me when you are capable of civilised debate. Just because you think that Drag queens are Transwomen, doesn't mean the rest of us do.

newfhouse: Do you think these deplorables possess or encourage your degree of nuanced thought?

Rusty Nails: A very rare concept on this thread, sadly.

multitool: That depends.

The GC position is one of cast-iron singularity. Refusal to accept that 'woman' or 'man' might, can, or could mean slightly different things in different contexts ie. in law, socially, biologically etc.

The trans rights/anti-bigot position is to accept these nuances.

And let men in women's spaces. We know the drill.

Later, monkers stops back in to flounce, god willing.

I view the thread as pointless, and a pure waste of my time. I intend to spend my retirement more gainfully with less anxiety.

« Reply #118 on: May 17, 2023 »
The usual.
Quote from: icowden
biologically men are there to impregnate as many women as possible to make babies. Women are there to be impregnated and create new offspring to propagate the species.

Does it really need spelling out that he's talking about hardwired biological imperatives, not his actual views on how men should act and women should be treated?


Newfhouse highlights The Onion's struggle to stay funny whilst throwing women under the bus.

Monkers selflessly steps back from the brink of a peaceful retirement, and Multitool likewise keeps on keepin' on.

If you can't outright silence people (as was done with me at Cycling UK), you try to wear them down with endless bullshit. It's TRA 101.

Cut from the same cloth:

Quote from: NACA's Don Logan
Those of us without diseased minds saw a huge number of non-trans people showing up because they didn't want that little fascist cûnt stirring up hate in their country…

Little Kellie knows the game is up. She's niche. Real niche. Most people aren't hate-filled cùnts.

« Reply #119 on: May 18, 2023 »
Gender again.
Quote from: Multitool
I'm surrounded by women and we talk.

Quote from: monkers
it is for the reader to discern between truth and gish gallop

Monkers loves monkerself some gish gallop, though not as much as I thought. Tbf, if I did a search on AS for "privacy and dignity", it might overload the system; what are you gonna do, we're in the land of ad nauseam.

Quote from: Bromptonaut
My former colleague Heather, formerly Barry, has had the drugs and the surgery. She has a GRC. She was way beyond child bearing age by the time she started to transition and many other women of her age are also without a uterus.

For all practical purposes she has changed sex.

How could that not be??
Quote from: AuroraSaab
...Your friend has changed their secondary characteristics not their sex...
Quote from: Bromptonaut
She is not, and never was, my friend. She was a member of a 'Quango' where I was part of the Secretariat.

Methinks he doth protest too much. I'm now picturing a torrid affair at the Quango HQ, with Bromptonaut role-playing Secretariat.

Well, one or the other.