Author Topic: It's complicated


It's complicated
« on: December 12, 2022 »
[Posted at Yet Another Cycling Forum. Backgrounds on YACF alternate between gray and white on the default theme.]

I prefer a white background for the OP, so here's some ironic hold music.


Re: It's complicated
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2022 »
I'm back. This is the last thing I expected, even though I've boomeranged numerous times. I don't trust the moderation; I strongly disagree with some of the regulars concerning a subject I feel passionate about; and I half expect this post to be disappeared.[0] But if there's one thing I am – besides a self-indulgent, self-reverential, sophisticated troll who's also a pseudo intellectual and control freak [source[1]] – it's a try try again kind of guy.

I've been labouring for a long time now to be content in my own little quite well populated world, but it's not enough. I crave the challenge of getting along with people, even if it means ignoring half of them,[2] being ignored by the other half,[3] and despised by the rest.[4] I crave in particular the unique and painfully exquisite challenge of this place. At least for now. I may wake up (my hours are rather strange) and look back on this post with horror, but that's part of the fun.

What triggered this was a quote from Yacf on the Cycling UK forum. I was amused by the fact that a serious decision I made was heavily influenced by something posted here,

which in an extremely roundabout way was thanks to me.[5] This set in motion a chain reaction of metaphors leading to the precipice that is this post.

Ultimately what brought me back was words.[6] The arrangement of them in pleasing ways is always an attraction, and you have some fine pleasing word arrangers in residence, along with a permissions profile that hits the spot. So here I am. Wish me luck?

0. Too far too soon?
1. Recitation has been edited for brevity
2. I've actually never put anybody on ignore
3. A mixed blessing
4. Here I'm using the highly sophisticated literary device of exaggeration
5. Ah, self-reverential
6. And the fact that I was banned from CycleChat, which also has its attractions

Re: It's complicated
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2022 »
[There were three short but friendly replies]


Re: It's complicated
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2022 »
Thanks for not leaving my OP all alone. I’m settling into being an acquired taste. (I was actually looking for an appropriate ‘glass half full’ song – there's no way that’s going on my iPod. Funnily enough the sun behind my computer as I type this is currently blinding me.)

That's more like it