Author Topic: Son of Triggering

Triggering Actually
« Reply #20 on: December 19, 2023 »
It wasn't my intent to do twelve days of Love Actually, but we're over halfway there, and the momentum seems unstoppable.

F*ck the Tories: a Thread Dedicated to Suella Braverman
Quote from: Ian H
Quote from: CXRAndy
:biggrin: Eat shoots leaves

Take a book on punctuation and grammar, misquote it - in fact, misquote the title - then add a vacuous grinning smiley.

Aspire to the stately thumbs up.

Starmer's vision quest
Quote from: multitool
(cue drivel about Labour being indistinguishable from Tories)

Quote from: winjim
Starmer's got this quote printed out and blu-tacked onto his office filing cabinet but has completely misinterpreted it.

Yo winjim

Remember this, from [checks watch] July '22?
Of course we all know that there are people from the main CC forum poking their heads round the door every now and then, but somebody's really elevated lurking to an art form. I'm impressed, if a little uncomfortable. I feel like there's a mirror being held up to my own absurdity.

Is this going to descend into some ridiculous game where we have two forums each lurking and commenting about each other? I'm not sure that would work. I feel like the play is going to have to move into a new act now that everybody has been made aware of everybody else's presence.

Pity it didn't occur to anybody to, y'know, post here. Connect.

Chat about forums and trolls and such.
Quote from: multitool
Quote from: winjim
Yes, you'd know about trolling.

I don't think you remember what you post. Or, alternatively, are not able to maintain a thread of conversation.

Either way, it's getting tedious. Given that you never say anything that I find remotely thought-provoking, interesting or funny, and you manage to fail to do this with a smug air, I'm going to spare you from my trolling by popping you on ignore.

Quote from: multitool
You certainly seem to be making about just you.

Thanks for the segue.

Gender Actually
Quote from: multitool to AuroraSaab
There is an inconsistency here.

MRA/TRAtool complaining about inconsistency hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Granted, most of his output is the same:

Quote from: monkers
Quote from: icowden
If difference is good then why so much emphasis on fitting in and being the same?

It's not about being the same. It's about respecting the difference.

Hahahaha— I'll stop with that now. You ever get the feeling monkers is making it up as monkers goes along, and not in a good way?

Gender Actually
« Reply #21 on: December 20, 2023 »

Leaving Normal*
Quote from: monkers
What is the difference between a straight man and a gay man?
About three pints.

About three hours later - 'tell anyone and I'll kill yer.'
'It's only a one off' (that is until the next time).

The number of pints in the joke varies; monkers has opted for a bloke who can't hold his liquor. Whether or not you believe sexual orientation is innate,

the desire to drive a stake through the heart of heteronormativity leads to some daft places. The takeaway here is there's no telling who monkers would jump after three pints.

Enlarged to show fine detail

Here's a better question: do you want to live in a country where you can be arrested for stating what any reasonable person would call harmless facts? Choose your source:

News source A: "News... but not as you know it"
News source B: I've thrown in this archive link for those who don't want to give them clicks

Hint: only one of them is being vile.

Quote from: monkers
RIP Brianna Ghey

Quote from: Beebo
transgender hate crime is unlikely to be curtailed whilst Kemmi Badenoch is the equalities minister.

Brianna wasn't killed for being trans, much as activists wish to have it framed this way.

Quote from: AndyRM
Badenoch is a total melt.

Stop melting.

*Unfortunately there don't appear to be anything but schmaltzy trailers to the movie, which features "a brassy waitress and former stripper who used to use the stage name Pillow Talk.”


Gaslighting actually
« Reply #22 on: December 21, 2023 »


Click again, this is doubletopsecret
Monkers and Niece are one and the same – hence moNkers. You may have noticed a few hints along the way, constant reader.

Quote from: moNkers
Quote from: AuroraSaab
Perhaps it would be useful if you registered under a new poster name then. Otherwise we might think it's just Monkers posting all the time.

It had been made clear. You might also detect some change of style…

Hahahah—sorry, I promised to stop doing that. Only a self-conscious writer would respond as moNkers did. It’s virtually the same style, just a bit stiffer. This is like a character in a film saying someone is handsome

to implant it in the audience's mind, a little boost. It's amusing in Love Actually because, although Billy Bob cleans up well enough, it's safe to say Hugh is the looker {YMMV, obvs}.

Speaking of aunts

This reasonably clever if woefully executed subterfuge enables Steph (fraudian slip) moNkers to attack in different modes.

I can't know this for certain, because I'm not actually omniscient.

It's obvious to the point of laughable; even moNkners seems to be toying with us, as you'll see further down.

Today gave us another example of moNkers' preferred MO of getting bogged down in superfluous words. Always remember that it boils down to LET MEN IN WOMEN'S SPACES, BIGOT.

We also had
Quote from: moNkers to AuroraSaab
I feel sure it must make sense to you, but I am unable to follow.

The usual belittling of someone who is almost boringly lucid.

When one is calling for change(s) the burden of responsibility becomes your own to prove harms.

The pretence that 'it has ever been thus’.

Quote from: icowden to moNkers
I agree.
Yep. I agree
Seems entirely fair
Again, seems fair comment
Again quite reasonable.

Earnest engagement; normally to be commended, sadly counterproductive when dealing with people like this. Basically you're just encouraging them. And wrong on multiple counts to boot.

By the way, glad you are feeling a bit better now.

Is icowden playing along with the Nonsense to address the points as he sees fit? I reckon you can take most people on NACA at face value. This is a case for Poe's lawyers.

The draft schools guidance, btw (if I got into all the ways these people are wrong we'd be here all day) was excellent. But I would say that.

Quote from: XCRAndy
The way niece of monkers posts in a similar way, one could easily believe they're one and the same. Personality disorder?

Aw, he spoiled my spoilers.

Quote from: moNkers
As a growing child I had a love of writing.

My aunt and I would sit for hours and write alternate lines to a story.

I guess you could say this was formative.

When you don't have facts on your side, all that's left is fiction.

Now excuse me while I scarper.

Gender Actually
« Reply #23 on: December 22, 2023 »
I don’t recommend a few hundred stops and restarts to capture dialogue as a way to watch a movie.

Oh look, a bikeshot.

Ten trolls a-leaping
Quote from: AndyRM
Personally, I don't think anyone is actually trying to shut down the debate. I could be misinterpreting angles/posts, but obvious trollery aside I think it's fairly open and reasonable.

Ignore my seasonal subhead, by my count there are only two; what a coincidence they've both spent a lot of time on this topic.

The debate cannot be shut down except by an otherwise hands-off admin

because of the nature of the forum, though the usual suspects have thrown tantrums that some of this stuff is up for debate at all.

Quote from: spen666
After 10,000+ posts has this thread actually persuaded any one to change their very entrenched views?

Quote from: Rusty Nails
Very entrenched views are unlikely to be changed as a result of an internet forum discussion. It will be a success if it makes people with less entrenched views accept there may be a different angle to the topic.

Here’s a thought experiment: are people with an entrenched view that the Earth is round obliged to accept the "different angle” of flat-Earthers?

Quote from: spen666
The thread simply reads, like all long threads, people with entrenched view dogmatically repeated those views and opposing anyone who does not agree

Look up the word 'dogmatic' and get back to me.

Quote from: AndyRM
my opinions have probably changed the most about sport.

/s. (Bloody hell, that’s long.)

Quote from: Ian H
Quote from:  dutchguylivingintheuk
Creative spin, no i did not say or wanted to say that. i say actually what i write.

I'm afraid your 'creative' use of language makes it difficult to discern your exact meaning.

Shades of moNkers near the top of yesterday's post. There’s also this, even if I had to go back almost 10,000 posts to grab it:
Quote from: Ian H to AuroraSaab
Would you mind not putting words into my mouth, please.

I’d say this failure to communicate is Ian H just being ornery, but he does often seem genuinely unable to – how did someone put it? – appreciate different angles.

At the risk of putting words into dutchguy’s mouth, the distasteful yet not unfounded observation here is that the T love their victims (juking the stats up, for fans of The Wire). Fortunately the news is a lot better than they will ever admit.

Quote from: newfhouse
Surprised to see an Israeli flag attached to a tweet like this.

Much as NACAns love to tear into politicians who say asinine things,

they're giving this one a pass. Wonder why. Oh I know. She's on the right side of history.

Gender Actually
« Reply #24 on: December 23, 2023 »

You may have the sneaking suspicion that I'm fond of this movie after all. I've almost certainly watched it more often than Emma.

The genius of it is there's something for everyone to hate – and love, actually. (Sorry.) I'm not ashamed to admit that I’m liable to leak at the end,

doubtless primed for the jerking of tears thanks to the waterworks of the now unfortunately named Karen.

I’d never paid much attention to all the fat references and jokes before,

but did this time.

There was a payoff I’d always missed:

Fat isn’t the only kind of weight. So well done there LA.

Even the three stories that always annoyed me have their redeeming qualities:

Sam/Daniel. Christ I hate that kid. For absolutely no good reason. He’s terribly young and terribly sure this is true love forever, which is so preposterous it rings true: feelings aren’t small just because you are. Plus of course that run through security – the saddest part of the movie wasn't Karen and the devil’s necklace,

but the reminder of over 20 years of security theatre.

Mark Rick (as he'll forever be to me. And Egg.) For all the stalkerish criticisms, he does finally realise enough is enough.

It was an affirming moment, and I for one felt he was ready to move on.

Colin(!). I’ve decided there’s room for an extra cartoonish fantasy sequence. And was that a mad woman

I recognised this time around? It was indeed.

To top it off, I couldn't help but imagine a trans woman popping up in the shadows,

and how that might play out.

Judging by the scenes of the non-real people at the airport at the end, I don’t rate the chances of long term happiness for any of them except Billy and Colin, who doubtless will die with smiles on their faces, and the PM, as long as he doesn’t take any unchaperoned trips to Hollywood.

« Reply #25 on: December 23, 2023 »
Quote from: newfhouse, Ian H, Rusty Nails, icowden to some extent, {your name here}

I'd add winjim, but avoidance of the thread isn’t dishonourable.

It’s probably just as well, unfortunately. He’s otherwise worth reading.
Quote from: Bromtonaut
Quote from: classic33
Quote from: moNkers
Quote from: multitool
Quote from: AuroraSaab
Quote from: AndyRM
Quote from: bonus AndyRM
Quote from: bobzmyunkle
Quote from: CXRAndy
Quote from: unkraut
Quote from: theclaud
Quote from: NACA lurkers
Quote from: NACF lurkers

If you've been counting, it has only been eleven days. There's one more…

The Story of O
« Reply #26 on: December 24, 2023 »
Told to me and now to you.

Dear reader, having met Aunty M, then N, it's time to introduce myself: I'm O. Like a mouth open in surprise, as N put it once. We met in Strasbourg at a Xmas do exactly a year ago today on either side of a glory hole framed by festive tinsel. Strasbourg parties hard.

Although introductions are usually brief and to the point in these situations, I couldn't help but have fun with it, and decided to play Santa to the extent one could. "Ho Ho Ho, have you been a good girl or boy?" I asked when it was my turn, up for either as is my nature after three pints.

"Oh, I've been a verrrry naughty girl," said a deep but saucy voice that turned out to be N's. We needn't dwell on what exactly transpired next; suffice it to say there was a surfeit of naughtiness. We then used the hole to share a cigarette until a queue built up, and exchanged phone numbers.

I had a call the very next day. "Help me find a present for my aunt," pleaded N. "As my secret Santa, you're obliged." How could I resist?

We met under the massive Christmas tree (here's a link to add verisimilitude to my story), both of us having agreed to wear something distinctive so we could recognise each other without reference to genitalia. I chose a bowler; N, a scarf knitted by Aunty M that I was promised would stand out a kilometre.

Unfortunately there were a lot of striking scarves out that day. I was on my fourth approach and apology when there came a tap on my shoulder, whereupon I turned around and immediately earned my nickname.

"It's catastrophic, isn't it?" laughed N as my mouth contemplated closing, then held on for a bit.

I have no experience fabricating knitwear, but would wager that having been handed a pair of needles after another three pints I could manufacture an object roughly scarf-shaped and less an affront to even the colour blind than the monstrosity wrapped around N's neck. It looked to have been started in the monkey cage of the Zoo de l'Orangerie (sadly closed that summer), then handed to the wallaby for finishing touches. [Wallabies have short, useless arms. - Ed.]

N then promptly plucked my bowler from my head, where it remained for the rest of our expedition.

My new friend was completely hopeless at shopping, pointing at everything that might conceivably tickle the fancy of a woman of taste and discernment. With my help we finally purchased a fine antique folio of  'Air on the G String' for Aunty's piano, tuned to concert pitch; a handsomely presented recording of Joni Mitchell's Blue for her magnificent hi-fi system; elegant new bar tape for her Emonda; and finally a Calvin and Hobbes collection "because she does so like a chuckle."

We paused outside the Maison Rouge, both of us I think contemplating another unforgettable experience; a matching smile told me we were both content to have a unique origin story of our friendship and leave it at that.

N then suggested we buy each other a gag gift, scarpering with a "Meet you under the tree in an hour!"

I hadn't a clue what would appeal, and window shopped frantically before coming across what I hoped would be the perfect item as the clock ticked the final minutes, hiding it under my coat as there had been no time for the niceties. N had also skipped wrapping, judging by the hand she held behind her back as we met at the Grand sapin.

"On the count of three," said N.

"Un… deux…


Oh how we laughed.

« Reply #27 on: December 24, 2023 »
That’s a wrap on twelve days of Love (and gender) Actually.

Next year I should do Die Hard.

« Reply #28 on: December 29, 2023 »
War with Russia
Quote from: bobzmyunkle
Quote from: RecordAceFromNew
Don't know why you bothered to tag me. It is easier to play the person than the ball, isn't it? Bravo @bobzmyunkle!

Unfortunately the length and tone of superiority of your posts mean I am much less likely to be bothered to read them in full.

Diagnosis: too much Twitter and an unexpected inferiority complex.

Starmer's vision quest
Quote from: multitool
My point? That taking part of a statement, decontextualising it, then misconstruing its intended purpose in order to ridicule it, is bad faith bullshìt. But its bad faith bullshít in which a small number of contributors wish to engage.

That actually sounds fair, until you remember this is someone who puts the bad in bad faith, the shit in bullshit, and the screw you in misconstruing.

Diagnosis: high functioning negative value user.

moNkers again. Sorry!
Quote from: moNkers
Quote from: CXRAndy
More Tavistock travesty
70 children under the age of five were sent their for treatment
Which sick parents would do that to their own children, let alone anyone else's child ?

N here Andy...

Diagnosis: the third favourite use for a sock. (Actually an insult to sock puppets, given the lack of initiative in opening another account.)

Israel / Palestine
Quote from: dutchguylivingintheuk
Quote from: AndyRM
Calling people "hatebeards" or claud's approach... Hmm... Hard to know who's making better life choices...

quoting others to say you agree with them! Wow what an life choice, what an hero!

I can at least say my words are my either my own creation or my own chosing, that you don't agree with them is your problem

Being an inveterate quoter, I'm going to recuse myself from offering a diagnosis here and simply share the information that my wife is not overly fond of beards either. Is this going to be a problem now?

« Reply #29 on: December 31, 2023 »
War with Russia
Quote from: bobzmyunkle
Quote from: RecordAceFromNew
You sure you aren't just a sore loser who took the wrong side of the argument?

Right and wrong? Black and white?
Good and evil?

Cosplaying binarybob.

Israel / Palestine
Quote from: bobzmyunkle
Quote from: dutchguylivingintheuk
i'm not going to bother

That might be a popular option.

Right and wrong.

(I've got a lot of screenshots from Love Actually left over.)

Culture war again. Sorry!
Quote from: bobzmyunkle
Park Run isn't about to start checking people's privates/birth sex or anything of that ilk. That wasn't the aim of the think tank paper though, was it. Their aim was to stir up the culture war. And to keep any [my formatting - Ed.] that might be introduced to the subject well suppressed.

Before trans, nuance™ didn't exist.

Paging a culture warrior at Mumsnet:
Quote from: Froodwithatowel
I want everyone asked, clearly, "Yes, it may be emotionally very desirable for this male person to have the experience of participating in a women's event as if they were seen as a woman. What does it say about society (and you personally) when women's resources and categories are seen as something appropriate to commandeer, for the reason of providing desired emotional experiences for men? Are women and their resources just a theme park for men to use?"

Fgs can we just admit to the male supremacy underpinning all this? That the worst issue is that men may be sad (and everyone look bad for upsetting them) if women's equality isn't undermined for them on demand and their self expression indulged without boundaries? That men's emotional experiences are the seen most primary concern for 'nice' and 'fair' people?

It's not a "women's event", you say?

Quote from: Bromptonaut
To be scrupulously fair

That'll be a nice change

Parkrun's website quotes the best male and female times - about 90 seconds difference. Whether we need to check what the female has in her pants is a different question...

This wouldn't even come up as a joke if men hadn't decided women's boundaries no longer deserved honouring.

Quote from: moNkers
N again


Quote from: N
So lovely to see so many people here and in other places arguing over my life.

Narcissist says what?

Quote from: the silence
If only trans women were permitted to speak.

Quote from: moNkers to AuroraSaab
Park Run is a charity with charitable objectives. Their vision is a healthy and happy planet; perhaps your own is not.

Straw planet for moNkers' race of straw men.

Quote from: classic33 to AS
...shut yer trap...

It's hard to bear the classic33 of NACA; if only he'd remained on the mothership.